Discussion: Carson: Americans' Resentment Of Syrian Refugees Could Fuel 'Radicalization'

What’s going to make me even more insane is when the election is over and I see the number of people who voted for the party who gleefully raced to the bottom of the barrel time and time again.

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…adding that Americans’ resentment of Syrian refugees could increase the likelihood of refugees’ “radicalization.”

And that boyz and girlz is today’s lesson in “Projection”. Don’t forget to read tomorrow’s chapter tonight on “Denial through subterfuge”. And yes, there will be a test.


No, don’t take it down. Modify the statue.

Let the lady give her arm a rest from holding that torch up, and use her freed hand for the world’s largest facepalm.

Or, this:


you forgot the North as well.

That’s what amazed me about this fractured rationale. Even if he wasn’t aware that at least five of the original thirteen colonies (PA,RI,MASS,MD and Conn-by default) were once religious havens, he just saw some ‘legitimate’ rationale in regards to the ‘black codes’.

but hey its only Tues…


Yeah, a hammer, some nails, a little elbow grease, and they’ll be itching to go back home.


Now that’s how you show true leadership! Really inspire people to achieve their better selves!


Carson: Americans’ Resentment Of Syrian Refugees Could Fuel ‘Radicalization’

Shorter Carson: I am dumber than a box of rocks.


Hmmm, lemme see…I’ll take Syrian refugees for 10,000 Alex.
Oh wow, I hit the daily double!


“Particularly if you bring them into an environment where a lot people of are resentful of the fact that they are here. That’s just going to create incidents…”

I tried this logic once when arguing against having the in-laws over for dinner. An executive order overruled me.

The fact that he and his fellow sociopaths in the clown car are the ones who are whipping up the “resentment” seems to have flown right under his radar.


Shorter Dr. Ben: “We can’t atop ourselves from being alienating assholes to refugees, so best just not to come here in the first place.”


And Obama is divisive because he is so persistently and obstinately black. If he weren’t black all the time people wouldn’t be angry at him.


Here are the Corporal Acts of Mercy. Christian stuff, straight out of the good book, but I think the other side thinks this is only for Democrats to handle:

To feed the hungry.
To give drink to the thirsty.
To clothe the naked.
To Shelter the Homeless
To visit the sick.
To visit the imprisoned
To bury the dead.

Now since there is no mention of assassinating abortion providers the Republicans feel that they can ignore these pleadings.


So! Let me get this straight…uhhhhhhhhhhh Syrians ‘congregating’ leads to radicalization.

Internment in a vastly different culture leads to happy happy campers?

I’m sure there are holocaust survivors who could speak eloquently on internment.

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Didn’t you get the memo – tax cuts for the rich trickle down and take care of all those problems, and meanwhile the real threat to Planned Parenthood is from transgendered left activists. Glad I could clear that up for you.


If only Ben had stopped Timothy McVeigh from immigrating from New York…


Don’t worry, they get the internet now, so they can hate us from over there and save on all the muss and fuss (travelling/screening/moving in/cross burnings).

So much more convenient.

is Dr Ben an example of resentment that radicalizes someone so much they become a Republican?

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Its just a fixer-upper. Send 'em back with the complete This Old House series, they’ll be fine.