Icahn, and I will.
And folks, Carl “locker room talk–c’mon, you’ve said that–(nudge)” Icahn is not exactly image-conscious. Except with CEOs and Board members.
More importantly he and Wilbur Ross are similar. Ross could be one more vote for the 25th. And I don’t mean next Friday.
Granted, if you want to hold the vote next Friday it’s OK by me…
But Icahn — who made his name and fortune as a corporate raider in the 1980s…
Even corporate raiders don’t want to be soiled be Trump. That’s saying a lot.
He wanted tax reform; he’ll still get his tax cuts. Now he can get back to ruining businesses full-time.
At this point even NAMBLA won’t return his calls.
I have detested this lowlife ever since he destroyed TWA just to put a few bucks in his pocket.
He the lowest of the low…and that’s a tough bar to clear with this bunch.
“I hire the best people” my lily-white ass!
Trump said, “It’s over.”
Dear God,
Please make it so!
This great New Yorker article gives the full skinny on Icahn’s gambit. The notion that he stepped down out of altruistic concerns is typical Icahn bullshit—he quit because at the last hour the Trump administration backtracked on the regulatory change that would have netted Icahn hundreds of millions, if not billions.
Democrats need to grab the nationwide frustration with the 1% by the tail and run with it. This is a unique opportunity to ride the true Populist wave. Will they, is the question.
Part of the problem is that 45 wasn’t aware that “lily-white ass” is a common expression and not the main requirement one puts on a job-opportunity bulletin.
Will they, is the question.
My cynical view is that the average Democrat wouldn’t know how to market meth to a roomful of jittery tweakers whose pockets are stuffed with Jacksons. I know it’s a grossly unfair characterization, but holy hell it just seems sometimes like the party is completely clueless on how to sell their programs and policies.
Icahn destroyed TWA even though employees were willing to give back a higher percentage of their salary than he was asking for. I knew a few people who lost their jobs, whatever happens to him is karmic payback.
It’s a party which appeals to a highly diverse demographic, with different expectations, and can’t easily be categorized. Rs are rich white men. That’s easy. Ds are poor and middle class whites, black, brown, urban. You need to find another party which knows how to do these things.
You beat me to it! I knew a few of those who lost their TWA jobs too, and the country lost a very good airline.
Another rat jumping the sinking ship.
Here in SF some of the cabin crew employees threw a fundraising event, got a couple of local stand up comedians to say a few words, but it was too late.
They could start by having some bolder D programs. If you look at the Press page for the DNC, you will be hard pressed to find any mention of what Ds stand for - only ¨Rs suck¨ releases. True as far as it goes, but it´s not enough.
I’ll be really impressed if Pharma boy refuses a pardon from Trump.
Aw, c’mon, Carl. There’s a little bit of Nazi in everybody, don’t you think? C’mon. Let’s do some more of that “deregulatin’” of competitors.