Discussion for article #223774
I didn’t realize that Rove had started offering polling services too.
inb4 #unskewed
was he using mitt’s pollster…
As Bill Russell famously said of unpredicted outcomes, “That’s why we play the game.”
The best poll money can buy now called Ronmey/Cantor effect.
To be fair to Cantor, they only polled his own family.
Using Mitt’s bad luck money.
Not long ago at ALL, Cantor was considered to be solid tea party, a hater of all things immigrant/immigration, and I bet those baggers feel completely betrayed by him now. Either that or the Cantor-backers got complacent with that reported poll and didn’t bother to show up.
Whatevah! I am elated, I tell you, elated. One snake in the grass gone. This extreme bagger who beat him should be easier to beat, assuming we put up someone decent.
McLaughlin & Assoc are worthless at polling.
Hard to plot a course to the Speaker’s gavel from the sidelines. Good riddance.
To quote John McLaughlin, “WRONG!”
I have a question: is this the only upset in Virginia tonight or were there others? I find it hard to believe a race could turn around so quickly. So what happened?
Goddamn polls got squirrels again. Where is my crossbow? - Nick Nolte
Obviously (plus 11 characters).
As my have been observed about Cantor’s pollster by any self respecting borscht belt comedian back in the day…“Nate Silver he ain’t…”
Need to see some exit poll stuff tomorrow. I’m wondering if Cooter Jones call for crossover votes pushed this over.
So Cantor and friends got f***ed (read skewed or screwed) over by some “consultants” (see Romney) and either way they look like idiots.
Pour another glass of wine and turn up the music.
D’oh! It turns out Eric’s internal pole was actually just David Brat banging him hard and fast from behind.