Discussion: Canadian Candidate Out After Caught Peeing In Homeowner's Mug

Discussion for article #240190

TORONTO (AP) — A Toronto businessman who had been running for Parliament with Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper's party made the wrong kind of splash and is out of the race after being caught on video urinating in a coffee cup.

Sources describe the homeowner as pissed, eh?


Opposition New Democrat leader Tom Mulcair did not miss a chance to mock Bance and the Conservatives.
“He must be someone who is adept at Stephen Harper’s trickle-down theory of economics,” Mulcair said.

Kudos, Mr. Mulcair, and good luck defeating the bastard.


Better than Molson’s, eh?


That’s pissing away your chances, Lol!

Funny thing is, if it was Dick Cheney’s coffee mug, he’d be my new hero…instead of a urinating zero.

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If it doesn’t “reflect who he is as a person or as a professional,” then what does it reflect? There are some things in this world that you don’t do unless you want to do them, and peeing in someone’s mug seems to qualify. Did the homeowner forbid him to come into the rest of the house? Was it raining fire outside so that he couldn’t leave the house? What, exactly, was his reasoning? How do you do this kind of thing?
And this happened in 2012? Why did the CBC have hidden cameras? Did, perhaps, the homeowner have hidden cameras and has now shared it with the CBC? Otherwise, I want to know what made them set up this sting. You just have to wonder what made them say “You know, we should secretly record this guy doing his job. You never know what he might be doing while his client is out of the room.” Or did clients say “something is weird about this guy?” It’s an interesting story, but the back story has to be even better.


Talk about pissing away your chances!

“Urine trouble, Steven Harper.”


I have yet to hear any explanation as to WHY he chose to pee in a cup, with the bathroom just a few feet away. A passive-aggressive F.U. to the homeowner for some reason? Some kind of compulsion? Something to laugh about with his buddies down at the local bar? He’s an ex-trucker, and to him it’s just “the way of the road?”

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You could fly into space and save the planet from an asteroid like Superman and do similar exploits every week for the next ten years and you would still not live this down. He might as well arrange to have “cup-peeing ex-candidate” engraved on his tombstone because it’s the only thing about him anyone will ever remember.


If Trump did it, it would only make him stronger.


Bance said in a statement he “deeply regrets” the incident…

I’m sure he does now that it has killed his political career. Most dirtbags regret getting caught and having to pay a price.

…and it doesn’t reflect who he is as person or professional.

But it does. And it’s why your career is over.


With Trump I’d be mildly surprised if he hasn’t peed in a cup at someone’s house.


Well, if this guy had EVER come to my house for an appliance repair I would personally throw out every mug in my house and send him the bill for the new ones! Sheeeeeesh!

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If Trump did it, it would’ve been yuuggee and golden and overflowing the mug, and he would’ve put his name on the mug in yuuggge letters and charged the homeowner for doing it.


But seriously, what is wrong with people? And why do so many of them seem to be conservatives anymore?

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His mistakes were thinking too small and being directly involved.

The Koch brothers don’t make those mistakes. They spend a few millions to elect people that will make policy decisions that will earn the Kochs billions, even if the Keystone pipeline is caught peeing into the Ogallala aquifer.

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“You see that bridge over there? I built that bridge with me bare hands, but they do they call me Tim the Bridgebuilder? Nay. See that house? I saved it from a fire single’anded, but do they call me Tim the Firefighter? Nay. But you fuck just one goat…”


It’s been a bad day for the conservative vetting people.


Next time you decide to avoid a smelly bathroom by using a cup, remember, you could be on camera. Be sure to wash it when done, and wash your hands as well.

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