Discussion for article #227800
yuk,yuk,yuk. Not Funny.
I guess this tasteless talk sells them some weapons.
If this is not conspiratorial and treasonous activity, I don’t know what is. Put them in prison for life.
The Secret Service will now most likely get involved in their ongoing dispute with federal government agencies.
WTF is wrong with these sick ammosexual pussies?
The Obama’s (sic) Blaster? They can’t even spell their slurs correctly.
Something tells me these guys complain about folks who don’t speak English too. (just a guess)
ETA Really, their copy is awful, it reads like something off of engrish.com.
Much like Marvin
Who the f is Marvin?
These nasty and creepy clowns just don’t care. These are the low grade morons we produce in modern America.
An example of authentic frontier gibberish.
Lowlife crackers are low.
Check out the company website at the link. This place is a terrorists wet dream. All you need is credit card and poof (no pun intend) you can be a suicide bomber.
What kind of sicko buys this stuff?
Oh, come on! Seriously?! Well, if I must…
This goes beyond Obama Derangement Syndrome.
This is Obama Batshit Insanity Syndrome. (OBIS)
Speakers of Crackerbonics sprinkle apostrophes around like confetti, without regard to rules of “grammer”.
It can hardly be a conspiracy when they put it out in the open in an ad. And treason is defined in the constitution, Art. III. Sorry, this is no treason.
Bad taste? Yes. Despicable? You betcha. Idiotic? Sure. Not funny? Not in your life. Humorous? No way.
But treason and conspiracy it ain’t. I am not a lawyer, but it feels to be protected by the First, since no one can take these lines seriously as an attempt on the life of the President.
Oh puleeze. This is the only President since Kennedy that the Secret Service does not investigate threats made to him.
Sick sick puppies. I like the dumpster idea on penn ave picking up all the gop garbage and then slide it into the Potomac. By golly shit really don’t float. palming face. lol
just some of my “symbolic stuff”