So it’s called “The Obama’s Blaster”. Is that just the usual bad grammar that runs rampant in right-wing circles or is the seeming attempt at pluralizing “Obama” meant to indicate the whole First Family?
Either way, how absolutely fucking stupid. These types of people are childish and it’s this kind of bullshit that does absolutely nothing for their own cause.
The Obama’s (sic) Blaster? They can’t even spell their slurs correctly.
They may have put the apostrophe in to avoid being accused of have made a threat against the president. Although that might be giving them too much credit. “Crackerbonics”, I love it.
Interestingly, their store is a short hop from Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base. From the west side barracks (they probably have a real name, but I just see them from the freeway) this store is about a 5 min. drive. It wasn’t so long ago that Sgt. Gary Stein was booted from the Corps for posting online that he wouldn’t follow any orders that came from Obama, as well as his other opinions of his Comander-in-Chief. Maybe Gary got a job at Ares Armor writing their copy.
Isn’t time that the secret service goes after these guys for threatening the life of a sitting President. The tone in this nation has gotten so violent that I don’t recognize the nation I grew up in.
[quote]The company includes a disclaimer at the end of the description that
notes it is a "very clear case of Parody (sic) for the purpose of
symbolic speech.[/quote]
The time has come for the Secret Service to go after these guys for threatening the life of the president. As an nation we have become so violent that I don’t recognize the nation I grew up in and the 60’s were no picnic.
Well, at least the company says it’s mparody. But I suspect they will be getting a visit from some guys in dark suits who have no sense of humor they are aware of.