Discussion: California GOP Guv Candidate Compares DMV Wait To Holocaust

Bingo… that remark by the gop canidate disqualifies. I have lived and worked in 31 states and cities over my 45plus career. The longest I may have waited in a dmv line was maybe half an hour. You can just about wait that long at starbucks.

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I’m waiting for Gavin Newsom to chime in, comparing waiting in line at the DMV to being married to Kimberly Guilfoyle. Oh, the humanity!


Not to mention you can go online to check the wait times at surrounding offices. So the poor guy waiting in line has a problem like trying to reinstate his license, his registration, etc. And has no access to the internet.
Not to mention, we are butting up against new requirements for getting your license and id. Lots of people waited to the last minute to deal with this.
We registered a vehicle in AZ. The whole process took as long as it took in California (with an appointment) It takes as long as it takes. California just has a lot of people. What can I say? It’s a great place to live.


Is it so hard to find candidates that aren’t dumber than whale spit???

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Would say that it is correct to compare keeping kids in cages to concentration camps, except I think the Nazis killed off the littlest ones first since they couldn’t do slave labor. Comparing everyday (or in the case of DMV every few years) inconveniences to the Holocaust is wrong. Nobody in line at the DMV has the possibility of being separated from their family, led off to a gas chamber, or starved to near death.


Yea, but you still have to drive on the Garden State Pkwy!

All kidding aside, you’re correct. I can remember when it was an all day ordeal in NY, with security guards. But that was sooo long ago. DMV’s have improved one hundred fold. And CA, can’t believe they have so many issues at DMV when they are usually far ahead of most other states when it comes to ‘obstacles’ like vehicle registration or state-to-state licenses transfers. Can remember making a ‘right on red’ in CA (decades ago) and then moving back to NY and having to wait. I swear it took NY ten years to change the rules to ‘right on red.’

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Or the travails of Henri Charriere while encarcerated for 14 years on Devil’s Island.

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The DMV makes appointments? Hmm.
I take a book with me too @lennyboy.
I like to people watch. I learn stuff , like never buy a boat that doesn’t have a title because it was only ever used on a private lake.
The last time I went a group of us bonded and we cheered, politely when someone finished at the counter.


Yeah, and even though they know you’re coming the stirrups are still cold.

That was William Faulkner, I think. But maybe the candidate was trying to emulate Faulkner with long, tortured, stream of consciousness sentences.


The fuckwit must be trying to do worse than 40% in November. CA allows you to make appointments for the DMV. I’ve never waited longer than 10 minutes when having done so. I did recently take my daughter to get an emergency replacement license before she went on a road trip and there was no appointment time early enough, that did take about an hour’s wait, but it was hardly a hellish experience.


I’ve been hearing about extra long delays to make an appt. to renew your license, like months. I have to renew mine in December and I’m thinking about looking around in October at the one of two offices close to me to see what they have in December. The better half ran into this year, he wound up having to go across the bay to Hayward 27 miles away to take care of business.

I’m sold on California, have been for decades.

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It arouses nostalgia in them.


So Moses died without getting his license renewed? Hope he at least got to see the front of the line.


I have no idea who first said it in exactly that form, but it goes back a ways. Samuel Johnson said “Read over your compositions, and wherever you meet with a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.”


For that reason, I was under the impression that he would’ve compared the CA DMV to American slavery.

“He was saying that it reminded him of pre-war Germany” when Jewish people waited in lines to be processed, Cox spokesperson Matt Shupe told the radio station. “In no way does he mean this as a slight to the Jewish community. He misspoke. It’s very unfortunate. But it’s nothing more than that.”

ETA: Man, don’t make the hole deeper. Just remain silent.


There are so many ways to avoid the lines at the DMV. Most transactions can be performed online or by mail or even at a AAA office. And the DMV appointment system works well for the rare times you are required to go to the DMV office in person. So, the fact is, the line is long and slow because it is full of the dumbest people left in the state. And that explains what Cox is doing there in the first place.


So, this is not the pro Holocaust candidate
. So many flavors of nutty to choose from.


I know you were being snarky, but the GOP really gets on my nerves with their “that’s not me, that’s you” deflections about the Nazis and the KKK.

I took the spokesperson’s comment as a hint that Cox’s campaign was trying to link the Democrats to “pre-war Germany”

“He was saying that it reminded him of pre-war Germany” when Jewish people waited in lines to be processed, Cox spokesperson Matt Shupe told the radio station.

Besides everyone’s comments about the lack of proportion/stupidity associated with linking the DMV with the Holocaust, I hope the media also reminds people that the “Holocaust survivor” is probably in their 80s or 90s and likely suffering from PTSD from their experiences as well as either dementia or Alzheimer’s because of their advanced years. They deserve to be treated with care and respect and not be used by Cox’s campaign as the source of a cheap shot the campaign then distances themselves from because it ‘originated’ from someone else.


Basically this is like calling a black guy N… What the hell, they call each other that!!!

What this guy and a lot of people here don’t see is that these survivors have their own gallows humor they can share. It is simply not HIS story to tell. He has no right to pass it on amonst friends, let alone on the trail.

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