Discussion for article #244090
Yeah! There was no problem with it back in the 19th Century! We just shot 'em! You know, the Donald Trump Solution.
Right, no problem with slavery and treason. It’s what came after all that that embarrasses Bush the Minuscule.
Absolutely none! The fact that racists, slaveholders and traitors carried that flag. Coincidence!
“The problem with the Confederate flag isn’t the Confederacy…”
No it has nothing to do with all the states who seceded from the Union in order to protect the EVIL institution of slavery. And JEB! says this in spite of the FACT that each state said clearly at the time that it was to protect slavery and their “States Rights.”
This is revisionist history and its a lying pile of horse shit.
And he’s “The Smart One”??? That family must set the bar awfully low…Jeb!, your little brother shit the bed, and you won’t get to lie down in it. YA man who will “never be elected President.” The GOP Klown Kar rattles on…
If he still mattered enough that anybody would press him on it he’d say it four different ways over four different days and then clarify grumpily that yes, of course slavery wasn’t quite the thing, how could anyone possibly think he was saying anything different gee whizz.
Later? Is Bush dumb, or what?
Once again … another chance… passes him by —
Bush: “Problem With Confederate Flag Is What It Began To Represent Later.”
Everything was cool until after the racism, slavery, violence, treason, and civil war that tore apart our nation.
You mean to tell me it didn’t mean traitor, racist flag back in the day when it meant traitor racist flag?
What an asshole!
Proving once again that he is NOT the smart one!
I beg your pardon Governor but the Confederate Flay was about the Civil War which was all about slavery. Nice try but NO cigar.
With all due respect, Governor, this is exactly why you are at 4% in the polls.
Getting needlessly caught up in a gaffe like this is one more reason Jeb! is getting schlonged by Trump.
Jeb tries to sound reasonable – but the middle ground he thinks he is defending is not morally anymore defendable than the extreme. He ends up pleasing no one. Like Rand Paul – there is no place for Jeb in today’s GOP.
The Confederate flag is, and has always been, about white supremacy. That “heritage” is one of owning another human being as a slave. I swallowed this “heritage” crap as a child growing up in Alabama, but when I went into the world and traveled the globe I found what utter bull shit I had been taught. I renounced such provincial thinking long ago.
“The SA was better than the SS” argument…of course, from a Bush.
I see the point he is trying to make that the confederate flag lost its last and fading luster when it was co-opted by racial extremists. It was always representative of Dixie and racism but nowadays society reacts to offensive behavior–maybe at the speed of a sea slug shot in the foot–but it does react. Racism no longer gets the free pass it used to get and people will be identified and pegged in real time for their views. It’s a new century with new rules for social behavior.