Discussion: Bundy Bodyguard Fluffy Unicorn Arrested in Arizona

Dammit! Why do Mexican thugs have better nicknames that ours! Dammit again!!


And the pack of haters is standing in a steaming pile of fresh unicorn manure.

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I salute you and dub thee the sultan of snark!


It’s a story like this brings out the best and the funniest in TPMers.

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Just to cap off the day a second nerf herder has been arrested. For stealing a refuge vehicle and using it to drive to town for supplies.


You are right. Torture by IRS / etc. for decades is worse than death. They deserve torture by justice, Rule of Law. Keep it simple. No martyrs. Just pebble them to death over time with law. Humiliation and impoverishment are the worst punishments for egomaniacs. Try it! Hey, FBI? Anyone out there listening?


For multiple counts of sheer dumbassedness, dickheaded seizing, numerous attempts to blow up a spot, camo out of season, bodygaurding on federal property without a federal permit, Bundy brigading and having a dumbfuck nickname, Fluffy is sentenced to 12 years of basic education and a public flogging.

Let the flogging begin!


Those things can be dangerous:

The horse, which Jesser described as a well-trained, 1,250-pound thoroughbred, landed so hard that the saddle horn pushed Baldrige’s belt buckle all the way to his backbone, doctors said later.

The horse was not injured.

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I lived in Hawaii for a while and learned the ‘beer belly’ was a carefully cultivated work of personal body art, and showed status within the group. Of course, the belly itself shows money, laid down over a long amount of time, one beer at a time, one philly cheesesteak at a time, one rack of ribs and cornbread, one ham and beans, more beer, more food until your status you can provide for yourself is evident. Plus you have litterally a lot of weight to throw around, it is very intimidating because no one wants to be side-swiped by a hurtling bovine of a man. They don’t care about having a flattering, nor slimming look. They just demand it in their women :wink:


A friend of mine who grew up in Canada call his beer belly his Molson Muscle.

So bold, rolling into town in the rangers’ van. How’s that workin’ out for you, Medenbach?


Oh, I don’t think he is going to be released soon. I’d be surprised. Maricopa County is holding him on a parole violation in addition to the charge regarding the rangers’ vehicle. There may be other crimes and misdemeanors, too. All I know is what I read on the inner webs so I could be wrong about that. I don’t know the man.

But seriously, a career criminal, a fake marine with a naked Buddah tattooed on his very big looking (to me) belly --both arrested --and Ammon has to call off his community meeting because he can find no place to hold it. Well, that’s Ammon’s story and he’s sticking to it. Me, I think he called off the meeting because he finally realized that the community is not behind his efforts. Very poorly planned escapade all around. But these kinds of things usually are.


Yeah, and remember how he sternly lectured us that is was very well thought out and they’d be there for “years?” Then Tarpman started bellyaching that he wanted to go home and they started whining about not having enough snacks (while Ammon allowed his few cans of Campbell’s soup to be photographed)?


Handsome devil that he is:

In response to your question about his incarceration, one of the merry band casts doubt on the whole story: "It may not even be true… I’m very leery about their press releases and press conferences. That sheriff has lied before.”

**flufy Unicorn Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! **


Actual picture of the guy taken from The Daily Mail Story. As Trump would say what a LOSER! LOL!

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This is awesome: http://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Oregon-militia-will-get-55-gallons-of-lube-for-6762936.php

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[quote=“PickWick, post:81, topic:31321”]
Stolen honor is something military people take very seriously.
[/quote] I get your point and it’s a serious one.

For a lawyer (cynical side, but true), it would be important to keep military off his jury/ies.

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For the record - The bigger the buckle, the smaller the dick.


Un-fucking-believable! Why aren’t there warrants out on all these assholes for the armed occupation of government property?

I’ll tell you why, because Obama and the Attorney General are more concerned with Black Lives Matter shit than doing their jobs.

The FBI Director should order these people removed from the property, dead or alive,

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