Discussion: Bundy Bodyguard Fluffy Unicorn Arrested in Arizona

This is awesome: http://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Oregon-militia-will-get-55-gallons-of-lube-for-6762936.php

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[quote=“PickWick, post:81, topic:31321”]
Stolen honor is something military people take very seriously.
[/quote] I get your point and it’s a serious one.

For a lawyer (cynical side, but true), it would be important to keep military off his jury/ies.

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For the record - The bigger the buckle, the smaller the dick.


Un-fucking-believable! Why aren’t there warrants out on all these assholes for the armed occupation of government property?

I’ll tell you why, because Obama and the Attorney General are more concerned with Black Lives Matter shit than doing their jobs.

The FBI Director should order these people removed from the property, dead or alive,

It is a slightly better story with “Fluffy Unicorn”, though…

His friends call him F.U.


Instead of serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, Cavalier was a tattoo artist with a few DUIs on the record.

Ha! Very fluffy…

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That’s the one I’m waiting for.

Fluffy U was a con,
Yes, an ex con!
With a tat like a beagle
And a gut like a mountain had he.

Fluffy U was a con,
Yes, a big con!
Cavalier about his warrants,
Not as brave as a Gomer on TV!

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The mascot a PSYCHOphant…

I am, just going to leave this here…

(note the 26 million views, I bet Mr. Bodyguard racked up a few).

SouthGAGuy: Well with a name like “Fluffy Unicorn” he will be very popular in jail.

and he just came for the snacks. especially the ones that make him feel all fluffy.


I’m glad I never had kids. :slight_smile:

That’s the best idea I’ve heard in ages!

But is it frothy?

You know the saying “Eastern Oregon: Where men are men, women are scarce, and the sheep are nervous.”

I heard it as: “Where men are men, and so are the women.”

Agreed. This redneck phony is just another cowardly chicken hawk who likes to dress up like a tough guy and pretend that he’s got a pair.

I bet as soon as it looks like he is going to bail out the Feds will charge him.

It is incomprehensible to me why they are not charging him and guy who stole the pickup from the refuge with federal crimes related to the takeover of the refuge? Are the feds going to do nothing? Can one of our legal eagles on here explain why?

But they haven’t brought any charges related to the takeover. I really don’t understand why these guys are getting away with this scot free.

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