Discussion: Bruce Jenner Is A Transgender Republican. Here’s Why That Matters

Discussion for article #235699

What’s with the asterisk the first time Bruce Jenner* is mentioned in the article? It’s not as though there’s an associated footnote that goes with it.


I found Jenner to be not the brightest bulb. He also attacked Russian Nikolay Avilov for his appearance and said to Sawyer “I won that” Where is his insight? Is he that superficial?


sorry to rain on this post – but – republicans aren’t giving up on their ‘southern strategy’ anytime soon. racism, xenophobia, homophobia and vagina loathing is their pivot or rather, nucleus.


Well, he’s trans and votes Republican. Those black confederates were’t too smart either.


Not, really… Transparent.

…how excited he is to live a fully realized life as “her,” the woman he knows himself to be.


Though Jenner identifies as a woman, he prefers to be referred to with familiar pronouns of “he” and “him”…

So which is it?


I don’t understand why people have a hard time wrapping their heads around this. Some people just care more about their money than their rights and will gladly sit in the back of the bus to save 5% on their taxes.


I was never tempted to watch the interview. I just those things don’t interest me at all. I could care less what Bruce Jenner does with his life and even more so now that he identifies as a Republican,

I think the President at the Correspondent’s Dinner would have been fun to comment on since he was absolutely brilliant but I guess that wasn’t newsworthy for TPM


I sure hope Bruce has the time to campaign for Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz.


The author of this piece is as confused as Bruce appears to have been his entire life. The GOP is repulsed by anyone that is not an avowed heterosexual. If the tint of your skin is a little too dark, your religion not Christian fundamentalist enough, your income isn’t above average, and you don’t fall into line with the GOP aggenda, you are not fully American and you are the “other,” which makes you a force to be conquered. Like a lot of rich white guys, Bruce is likely fiscally conservative because he likes the low tax, no tax mantra of the GOP. Apparently, he isn’t much of a thinker and he will find out soon enough that the GOP wants him to not be seen or heard.


Oh, please TPM, don’t turn into ThinkProgress which sees fit to lecture its readers on a daily basis on “Why X Matters.” I don’t care about Bruce Jenner or what he’s doing, and I suppose that makes me a cis-gender microagressionist, but really, please avoid being like that nagging site.



I too noticed that the Correspondent’s Dinner was completely ignored on TPM.


I hope Bruce Jenner realizes that the GOP - at best - will trot him out on stage to show how they “get” LGBT issues - and then quickly tell him to get the fuck outta there - e.g. “OK Bruce, thanks. Now leave so we can bring out Herman Cain to show how we “get” issues that affect blacks. And don’t call us - we’ll call you”.


We’re not talking about a Sam’s Club Republican here. When you have enough Benjamins you don’t have to sit on the back of the bus.


And yet the President was definitely the star of the whole night. He is amazing

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Frankly, I don’t envision Jenner as becoming a bridge-builder between Republicans and the rest of society. I appreciate Ms. Cruz’s optimism; I just believe it’s naive. To the extent that a handful of high-visibility Republicans might embrace Jenner’s public declarations, I think it’ll mostly serve as a means of burnishing their cred as a tolerant group. (See?? Republicans are too tolerant. We’ll sort of embrace Jenner because he’s the right kind of transgendered American: he’s conservative, Christian, and doesn’t ask for government handouts!)

If Jenner didn’t appear to be shallow and self-absorbed, I might believe in this vision of Jenner as an enlightening figure. I just don’t see him as particularly idealistic or community-minded. We shall see, I suppose.


If you were watching ABC’s national news over the weekend (and my condolences if you were), the whole Jenner thing was like a giant corporate news wet dream. Not only were they running excerpts of it, they were touting the appearance of the Jenner children on Good Morning America the following Monday and breathlessly announcing that it was “trending on Twitter” and “going viral.”

Oh…and they also had a heart warming story about a cop who helped teach a two year old about the importance of doing what the policeman tells you by having the kid “pulled over” and given a faux ticket while riding his push car at the curb.

I tell you, my tear ducts were just empty by the time I got done watching…as was my stomach and my bowels.

Thus endeth our latest lesson in what constitutes “news” in modern America. Used to be you actually had reporters. Today apparently it is a small group of unpaid college interns monitoring the innertubz for “what’s hot.”


Very naive article… Of course they will reject him!!! “One of America’s LAST GREAT FAMILIES!!!”
Is this suppose t be a joke??