Why are black people always the go-to punchline? Please stick to what you know:
“Well, he’s trans and votes Republican. Those white working-class Republicans voting against their interests aren’t too smart either.”
Why would white, overprivileged, entitled Bruce Jenner be anything BUT a Republican?
If Jenner wants to effect change he should go to CPAC and give a speech about how the GOP needs to be inclusive of transgender folks. The response of the audience should have the effect of changing his notion that the GOP is inclusive.
I remember from decades ago - when Jenner was a great Olympic athlete - that he was a Republican. Most folks gets their politics early and stick with them throughout life. Jenner is no different from everyone else.
This isn’t unexpected is it? It takes a long time for new language conventions to flow easily among the general populace. When it comes to self-identification of gender it can be a little thorny to navigate without offending. Witness Piers Morgan last year who thought he was being supportive of guest Janet Mock when he noted that she’d been born a boy. She lambasted him on Twitter afterwards and the Internet exploded. It took a return segment to work things out, and they still didn’t entirely do so. I think Piers’s point, which I agree with, was: If a well-intentioned person gets something wrong with regards to trans identity, don’t get upset, just explain it to them.
“Neither party has a monopoly on understanding,”
I don’t know if its a monopoly but Democrats, for the most part, understand and Republicans surely monopolize misunderstanding.
Well of course O was brilliant.
This thing about Jenner hits a salacious nerve with a lot of folks apparently. If coming out makes Jenner more comfortable that’s fine with me. I wouldn’t want to be part of the Kardashians my self but that’s just me.
I think Jenner makes the perfect ambassador for the GOP. He perfectly explained last Friday why so many conservatives feel frustrated about themselves and their ideology. Give him a bullhorn, a javelin and send him into the South to emcee all the TeaParty rallies in 2016 along with Palin. They can share the same wardrobe.
On second thought, it might be better to let her sit it out with Clint Eastwood. It’s pretty obvious why that chair was empty at the last Republican convention. There really is no place for anyone but bigots and high rollers in the GOP today no matter what reality show celebrities and aging conservative movie stars/directors or athletes might wish.
Even the GOP’s redneck base feels as out of place these days in the party with its anti-middle class agenda that ALL the Republican presidential hopefuls expose…along with their complete disgust and intolerance for those who profess a different sexual identity or orientation.
And Bruce actually thinks that she will be treated with respect by the GOP as a woman? Her problems are just going to be getting started as a transgender. She will now going to be paid only 70% of what she used to get as a male reality show celebrity.
She hasn’t had to live as a second class citizen without the same rights as males yet. That shock should make for much better drama in her new reality show than the discrimination and disgust she will face as a transgender at the hands of the Aryan Nation and American Taliban GOP base.
Perhaps Jenner will be forced to come out for the ERA as a Republican?
I wouldn’t be too fast to say his wealth will shield him from the Christian Right and KKK. As long as he stays in LA perhaps. But she better not travel down South after turning those Good Ole Boys (like the Duck Dynasty crowd) sport’s world upside down. They don’t believe that any money should be wasted on women’s sports and that all athletes have to be macho men. Jenner is going against the Gospel Truth and the almighty frat boy fraternity
But we do get to know every last little bit of drivel that comes out of Fox News. Fox News this, Fox News that……I didn’t see much on the Earth Quake in Nepal. Even Lynch’s nomination finally going through took a back seat to whatever stupid shit Fox is spewing. Tiresome indeed.
I didn’t watch the interview, but I read a summary. That article said that he prefers being called Bruce and “him” for now, but that will change later. I assume that change will coincide with other changes he has planned.
Yes, the other commenter is correct. Jenner referred to “her” multiple times in the interview and said this conversation with Diane Sawyer would be his last as “Bruce Jenner.” Until he requests other pronouns and a different name, we’ll use “he” and “him” and Bruce.
Grover Norquest’s tweet was interesting. But on the other hand he’s been saying that the Republicans need to be less pro Israel. And it’s not like they listen to him about that.