Discussion for article #235580
When does the boom start?
Let the public fighting begin - the more exposure Brownback’s charlatan approach to budgeting receives, the better.
Hey Aetna! You’re getting the same Brownbacking you’ve given to the rest of us! Enjoy!
Kansas had the chance to get rid of this maniac last year, and they refused… since they couldn’t taint their virtuous conservative selves with a – shudder – Democrat.
My sympathy for them in their resulting mess is sharply limited.
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback ® proposed $136 million in taxes on health maintenance organizations as a way of closing the state’s budget hole.
Wait…wut? I thought Republicans hate taxes…???
Arthur Laffer is still saying “give it a little time”.
BRILLIANT!! I wish my state had a Governor with the forward-thinking strategy to eliminate taxes on the top incomes to redistribute them to the rest of the state… by making health care more expensive, no less!
Thankfully, he still has one in the tank for when things get really desperate, by declaring a state of emergency and lowering the minimum wage down to $2/hour. That should both generate more taxes as more peasants are employed and attract magical business fairies to the state who create weath.
I wonder how much Kansas contributes to Socialized Big Agra Farming in the form of farm subsidies / tax breaks.
It’s about to trickle down to the HMOs.
This guy is so stupid he makes Rick Scott look like a sage.
Kansas bucked the national trend in 2014 with 51% of voters turning out in the mid terms. Most of those voters were Republicans and a significant number of Democrats were among the voters who stayed home.
Both groups got exactly what they deserved.
Wait, but Aetna CEO and chairman Mark Bertolini is a Republican.
How much you wanna bet that he wanted to raise taxes on the HMO’s and then blame Obama when people’s health insurance rates went up.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (gasp) bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
What a maroon…
When Republicans eat their own. Sweet.
Dumbass tea Party Gubner takes on Aetna? Not smart. People who put him office get what they deserve. To anyone who didn’t vote him: I’m sorry. Move?
All I can say is…you elected this fool, twice!!!
If you stayed away from the polls the last two elections, shame on you. Elections DO have consequences!!
Stupid Libertarians who want services without paying for them. I enjoyed the Salon article about the chaos in Honduras written by a former Libertarian: “In America, libertarian ideas are attractive to mostly young, white men with high ideals and no life experience that live off of the previous generation’s investments and sacrifice.”
Their tendency to move the goalposts when things don’t work out is a sign of their intellectual dishonesty.
Here’s the Salon story: http://www.salon.com/2015/03/02/my_libertarian_vacation_nightmare_how_ayn_rand_ron_paul_their_groupies_were_all_debunked/