Discussion: Brownback To Propose Tax Revenue Increase To Help Fill Budget Gap

It’s a fact.


I have a twenty-something year old Libertarian friend who couldn’t stop talking about how absolutely fabulous Australia was when he visited there during his time in the service, I told him it was because they have sky high tax rates which take care of everything and everyone there. He blinked a few times and managed, “Well, I’d never live there because they don’t allow guns.”

Because guns trump even taxes I guess.


“Job creators” used to be known as “the rich”.
“Liberal media” used to be know as “the media”.
The “Socialist government takeover of the health industry and job destroying ACA” used to be known as “the conservative health care plan”.
“Patriots” used to be known as “nut jobs”.


Trickle-down has never worked and it never will. Solution? Elect Democrats. They have a better grasp on reality.


What? There’s no difference between the parties.

Some say.


Under idiotic Repug Rightie Bagger rule, Kansas is daily becoming a smoldering, starving hulk of ruin due to conservative fiscal policy So Kansas, DO NOT look to my federal tax dollars to bail your asses out. Live with the Government you say you want. Oh right…that would be considered redistribution of wealth, so you wouldn’t even think about taking any federal funds for bail out money, huh Kansas. You wouldn’t want to be Texas would you?

Brownback should now go on a fact finding mission to Somalia in order to chart Kansas future more clearly.


Yep - time for a 2% addition in the state sales tax. And the microsecond there is a “positive revenue stream”, That’ll be time for another huge tax cut for the 1%.

Lather, rinse, repeat


Wow the twisting and turning while not trying to say “we need more taxes to pay for the services the State should offer” … because somehow that just does seem a little at odds with “tax cuts boast the economy.” Guess it’s kind of hard to lie when the facts are indeed the Elephant in the room … and yes, I do mean a Republican Elephant. I’m waiting for their logic to jump to something like only poor people should pay taxes because they use more government services. Brwnback is really pretty much certifiable.


Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard
To get her poor dog a bone;
But when she came there
The cupboard was bare,
And so the poor dog had none.

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It took this jackass and the state of Kansas five whole years to figure out that you can’t pay bills with no money.



It’s not like this is going to be a positive thing…we all know his “revenue” will come from taxing the poor and middle class.

Probably ESPECIALLY the poor, with some nasty “everyone has to have skin in the game” bullshit rhetoric thrown in.


Where would these foot-in-mouth candidates be without their coherent spokespeople. They’re like the guys at the circus or at parades who sweep up the manure, and the public never has to see it again.


John Kasich, are you listening?


As we’ve touched on before, your libertarian friend would have to vote if he lived in Australia. Such a governmenty thing to do.


It’s all those lazy ass poor people who only work four jobs the lazy lima beans! Kansas needs more hard working people like my favorite West Indian family…


I saw a truck today here in San Francisco which had a bumper sticker for Ben Carson, and another one that said “I’m a Catholic and I say no to Obamacare.” Then I looked at his plate which had a disabled icon it. So here’s someone who probably gets government funded health care to some degree, maybe just a wheelchair or walker from Medicare, but who doesn’t want anyone else getting health care. It also occured to me he’s not much of Christian to be so mean spirited toward people in need. It’s like there’s a menu. Pick what philosophy what you want, and the items don’t have to be compatible.


Brownback’s on record as blaming Obama for the sad state of the economy in Kansas, and also on record as saying before the election that if he were to lose it would also be Obama’s fault because Kansans needed to strike out at someone. Isn’t this called projection?


Way off topic, but I hope you saw the FX mini-series of Fargo, about 12 episodes or so.


Coincidentally. we just watched the first episode last night! Loved it!!!

(For anyone who hasn’t seen it, it’s available FREE on shush.se, as well as a lot of other cool TV, Movies, etc.)

Still OT, but you will love all the succeeding episodes. The Coens produced it.

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