Discussion for article #240682
The daughter, of that woman, is an idiot.
Logging into this discussion only to say “C’mon, TPM editors–it’s not even the weekend. Why is this here?”
Because recognizing a kid with talent in technology who was unjustly stereotyped as a terrorist drives a wedge between sane Americans and the lunatic white supremacist Christo-fascists.
Shut up and take care of your bastard children.
The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree!
How blindly stupid and hateful. Someone needs to shut the fuck up and it’s not the leader of the free world.
Oh, shut up and cross your legs.
If Obama had invited the son of white trailer trash to tour FB, MIT, and UT, then Palin would have all for it.
Nobody cares what this high school graduate says of this case. TPM, please stop referencing this person.
Bristol, you ignorant slut!
Obama will stay out of it if you will.
Once again, why oh why would TPM print anything this individual says?
It’s nice that she’s taken time out from getting knocked up by the Wasilla High football team to post to her blog.
Except for the letter ‘L’, nearly the same thing happened to Bristol in High School but no one helped her…
“Calling attention to racism only encourages the blahs to keep assaulting the nightsticks of our brave not-racist law officers with their bodies because victimhood. Also, too, randomly BOLDING words is like the new shitty punctuation which is how Real Americans Tweet and why does Obama hate America with his fancy-pants effete egghead Chicago gangster thug capitalization?”
Bristol only knows what time it is when she turns on her phone. Anything with a dial defeats her.
She was hopeless with a DYMO® labeler…
Hmm…should he invite a smart young man who got railroaded simply because of his skin and religion, or should he invite the daughter or a woman who called him every name in the book, who is about to give birth to her second bastard child, while raking in the big bucks being a spokesperson for abstinence?
Or maybe he just thinks its a really cool clock.
Know nothing idiot says what?