Discussion: BREAKING: Trump Admin Reunites 1,442 Children Out Of 2,551 By Court Deadline

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In other words, Operation ā€œBrown Child Left Behindā€ is officially over ā€“ Mission Accomplished!


Lock them up! Lock them up! And by ā€œthem,ā€ I mean the heartless morons responsible for this fiasco.


Of all the heinous things this administration has done -Cville both sides do it, Muslim travel ban, Russia presser, tariffs- this is the worst. This administration continues to commit crimes against human rights.Trump, Pence, Kelly, Nielsen, Miller, the entire Cabinet should be frog marched out of the WH. They have betrayed our institutions, abused children for political purpose,and caused untold damage to innocent families. It is atrocious. I am truly ashamed of anyone in the administration and Congress who has tolerated this.


OK. Every single one of the children not reunited, for whatever reason, should be granted immediate and irrevocable citizenship, with the right to sponsor their parents as resident aliens. Iā€™m betting the maladministration would scramble to make a whole lot more parent/child connections before the deadline if that was the announced resolution for those hijacked kids.


The American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing the parents in court

Help, if you can.


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


OT, but this helps me feel somewhat betterā€¦


Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris have been raising money to distribute to the myriad of groups that are national and regionally based and have different specialities to address different needs of these kids/families. I gave money through ActBlue. You should too. For those parents that have already been deported, donations could go towards paying for plane flights to reunite families. Thatā€™s a way to mitigate some of the harm done by Trump.

I do think all separated kids who have not been reunified with their families by the Judgeā€™s deadline should be given immediate citizenship. I can think of no other remedy that would stick it to the Trumper racists more effectively than that. I would also like to see high ranking ICE and DHS officials be held in jail for contempt of court until every family is reunited and accounted for. I donā€™t get this ā€˜ineligibleā€™ designation. By the govtā€™s own record these people were living and traveling together as families. The government separated them. The government is responsible to bring them together. They donā€™t get to make moral judgments about whether a parent is fit or not.

A coalition of groups is raising money for flights, hotels, and cell phones for families traveling to reunite with their loved ones. You can chip in here: https://t.co/RvyCsc9HhI

ā€” Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 23, 2018

Well, thankfully we arenā€™t at the mercy of the GOP led Congress to administer the penalties for breaking the law in this instance, and any excuse of not having enough people to handle this stuff by our government should be seen as pure poppycock. They are the biggest employer in the country and have the money, means and ability to rally to action when theyā€™ve been ordered to do so. The sad thing is, theyā€™ve been wholly incompetent from the beginning, not keeping adequate records of their heartless intentionally discriminating actions, willing to go along with cruel orders that any normal human being would find objectionable, and resistant to making things right by these innocent and suffering families.

I hope this judge throws the book at the people that carried out this shit and for not standing up for these familiesā€¦and I really hope someone does jail time for these outrageous acts that have been done in our name. This is a shameful thing thatā€™s happened. It will be forever part of our history. We need to make this rightā€¦and it needs to happen now. The only way to begin doing that is by holding some of the monsters in this administration accountable.

Someone needs to take a page out of Elizabeth Holtzmanā€™s book. She resigned the other day from the Homeland Security Advisory Counsel in protest. Now letā€™s see someone go to jail in the tRump administration for THIS HUMUNGOUS FUCKUP.

Hereā€™s Elizabeth Holtzmanā€™s letter to Secretary Nielsen where she resigns and where she ends her letter saying Nielsen is the one that should be resigning:

Wanna know who Elizabeth Holtzman is? Hereā€™s a link:


Ok, thatā€™s 1109 orphaned children. Thatā€™ll be one year in prison per child (light sentence, I know), divvied up among the principals of the child stealing campaign.

Or maybe just a sternly worded letter from the bench.


Interesting how ā€œzero toleranceā€ is a one way street. When the courts order compliance, and compliance isnā€™t followed, why isnā€™t there ā€œzero tolerance?ā€


There will be more work done by the ACLU on conditions these children and parents were kept in.
The fact that asylum seekers were turned away at legal ports of entry.
That this was started as a pilot program in Nov. 2017 and this is how they scaled up is appalling.
If your Rep. or Senator is Red call and ask why they didnā€™t go to the border to check out conditions themselves.
We need to find out how much this whole fiasco cost and then deduct the cost of operations from those at the top down.


I bet that if Mr Albence and his bosses are jailed for contempt of court, the next group of officials in these positions will be keeping track of these individuals, or even better ā€“ will not separate children from their parents.


Lock the big fish up. Start with Nielsen. Reward her for her wicked-witch impersonation in support of Trumpā€™s inhumane policies. And lock up another DHS, HHS or ICE big-wig every day until all those children are reunited with their parents. I hope the judge is plenty pissed.


Nielsen and Azar should be jailed until every last one of these children are returned.

Actually jailing them would provide sufficient motivation for this to occur.

Do it now!

ETA: And while we are at it, Miller should be jailed as well, just on general principles. This is apart from any role he played here.


Yup. :rage:


I have forgiven much in my life. But there are limits to what I will forgive.
trump approved a policy of forceful separation of refugee families who thought they had found sanctuary in America. The reasons why trump did this were several fold. First, to make desperate people stop coming here to escape poverty and violence and second, to do this by incarcerating babies in jail-like conditions: in cages, sleeping on concrete with a space blanket and a bag of chipsā€¦and making damned sure they were separated from their parents and lost in the system so that they could never be reunited. I think trump wanted to be especially cruel and inhumane because these people were brown skinned and not like him. At his core trump is a racist. To him people of color are to be servile, sub-human, expendable and of no consequence. He only changed his policy after massive public outcry.
I will never forgive him for his cruelty to and abuse of children (and lets not forget the agony suffered by the parents of these kids). Not ever. I donā€™t care if my belief is right or wrong (I think itā€™s right), popular or not. I am that angry at trump and his fucking minions who carried this out and still are carrying it out. There are a lot of people who should consider the rightness of their employment and act accordinglyā€¦


Thanks for adding the link. Ever since we heard about these forced separations, I have made the ACLU my go-to charity. I saw some of their young lawyers interviewed and was so impressed with their intelligence, humanity, and dedication. Itā€™s not heroic, but no Starbucks, eating out, or new clothes for me - Iā€™ll brew my coffee at home and wear what I have in order to keep donating.


Apparently there are thousands more. These 2,551 are only the ones under this court order.
Who knows what is happening with the other children.
Nielsen, Sessions, Azar should be caged for what they have done to all these children.