Discussion: BREAKING: Trump Admin Reunites 1,442 Children Out Of 2,551 By Court Deadline

So, they are mothers who are sacrificing themselves in hopes of a better life for their children. We steal their children, and send them back to be slaughtered by MS-13. That puts our government on the side of MS-13.

In Christian tradition, these women would be known as saints. Republican conservatives consider them criminals.

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Mikey Cohen tearing the Orange Anus a new oneā€¦




NBC has just verified this as well. This is SERIOUS breaking news. Rachel Maddow is raising the question about why Cohen gave this to the press rather than to the prosecutors. More news: Cohenā€™s lawyer is saying that they didnā€™t put this out at all - meaning maybe that the Trump camp put this out to try and discredit Cohen in some way or get ahead of a WORSE story.


Just a reminder that Halloween is only three months away !

Another explanation is that this undermines Cohen by giving him one less important piece of information to use in his negotiations with prosecutors. And I REALLY wish TPM would put a thread up for us to comment when important news breaks in the evening. (Josh has it on his editorā€™s blog where no comments are allowed.)

Excellent! Although I would extend it to EVERY child separated from a parent, even for a few minutes. Definitely a crime against humanity, and every single person in ICE, in ORR, in Homeland Security, in the White House and in the repug party who even had KNOWLEDGE of this atrocity should be shipped forthwith to the Hague for trial and incarceration.

Not a fuck-up. Deliberate policy and procedure. Also mission accomplished for these motherfucking war criminals.