Figured this was coming but it’s still the first deep breath I’ve taken since I got up this morning and read the news.
I must admit to gloating over Pauly rotting in jail, but the question remains: is schadenfreude uncivil? Golly, I’d hate to be rude.
needed something good today. this one though is a band-aid on a gaping chest wound.
Another ruling against you. Gee, Paulie, maybe you’d better try another strategy … like cooperating with Mueller, although I’m not sure even that would work at this point. But it’s worth a try, dontcha think?
Was going to post much the same.
Well fu…fu…fu…fuggg
There goes Trump’s news cycle.
Is Manafort the “Breaking” part?
Anytime Mr. Mueller…
Seriously, ANYTIME…
The question I have for Manafort is what is he most afraid of? Dying in prison destitute or getting murdered by Trump and Putin.
I think the decision is basically that.
Womp womp.
Don’t drop the soap, Paul.
Or do.
I really don’t care.
Do you?
Holding Manafort accountable is wonderful but in the scope of where we are today Manafort is like a blister after a long hike in the mountains… Trump is like untreatable brain cancer. Until we can cure the cancer lancing the blister does little (except make us feel slightl better in the short term) for the long term viability of the body.
At least some judges understand that their job is to interpret the law, not ignore it. (I’m looking at you, Anthony Kennedy, John Roberts and Samuel Alito.)
You’re forgetting Thomas and the amazing disappearing reportable income from his wife. He, Alito, and Gorsuch are the three horsemen of the conservo judicial apocalypse in my book.
That’s another one for the good guys. Not surprising but after SCOTUS’s validation of authoritarian rule today, it couldn’t come at a better moment. I think we all need a reprieve from the outrageous bullshit tRump’s minions have forced onto the country. We need to stay vigilant against the corruption and desire to escape responsibility, but we don’t have to accept that all outcomes will be bad…even though to date, I’m still having a hard time figuring out how we get from Mueller’s probe to putting this country back on a democratic path without foreign interference and the complicity to shield any treasonous bastards by GOP elected officials.
Not breaking news but an interesting take on the news from CNN
Oh. Happy. Day.
IIRC, back when Ellis heard arguments from the parties on this motion, his questioning of the gov’t was harder than that of Manafort. TPM’s lawyer crowd chimed in that that didn’t necessarily mean Ellis was skeptical of or unsympathetic to the gov’t arguments.
I’m glad to see they were right.