Discussion: Brace Yourselves: Jade Helm 15 Is Coming This Week

Discussion for article #238314

Souvenir t-shirts available at an underground kiosk near you.


Does Obama-care cover crazy? If not, perhaps Wal-Mart is having a sale on tin-foil?


Europe here - no sign of any take-over. Still struggling along on socialized medicine and full health insurance coverage for all.


-when have you ever been able to take alex jones or any of these nuts seriously?

-why we help Russia take away any state?

-Russia can debate all they want. Those states ain’t going anywhere. Their opinion holds zero ground.

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Want to see a right-wing nut job in action? Here’s Alex Jones as he tries to talk and think both at the same time?



They’re going to plant transceivers in the elected officials’ and white supremacists’ dental fillings, to make them talk with a German accent, no matter how reasonable they try to sound.


Happy Jade Helm day everyone!


Yes, wingnut Texans can be a little off center. Actual comment from the Houston Chronicle on June,5.2015 by poster gayang3:

Its no secret that the military can control the weather. Its called the HAARP project and its operated out of secret military bases. There is one in alaska that no one is permitted to go to. They use giant ionizing columns to change the ionosphere that then influence cloud formation, the jet stream and hurricanes.

There is no doubt obama is using this to punish Texas for standing up to him. Governor Perry was an honest leader who stood up to Obama. But Obama being the person he is, used secret army tech such as Brain Controling Microwave to derail the governors presidency bid. What else could be the explanation to how he lost memory when he was on the tv debates. I expect this to happen again this time.

There is no doubt that since Obama Texas has been on the receiving end of so many weather problems. First the hurricanes, then the tornadoes, then the drought, now flooding. Its a cover up for more governement control and take over of second amendment rights and our guns.

I am very suspicious about floods


Alex Jones is the guy who makes something like $4 million/year for saying that the Oklahoma City and Boston Marathon bombings were the work of the FBI. Why do people report on his latest line of BS? It’s like covering the Weekly World News.


OMG! OMG! OMG! What have we done!

We’re losing Texas! We’re losing Texas to… to… the United States military?


The unanswered question is: If this tea-bagging-ghost-buster is on to Obama’s plan, how did he escape having HIS brain microwaved?


And Denmark hit 116% of their electricity needs in a 24 hour period from wind during the past week. A surer sign of the Pocylypse I have never seen. We just got back from six weeks in Europe, and there were troops and tanks and guns EVERYWHERE! No, wait. Not really. We had a great trip riding wonderful trains and buses and taxis from Copenhangen thru Lubeck, Hamburg, Oldenburg, Amsterdam, and London, and now that I stop and think about it, I don’t remember seeing a single armed convoy. Well there was that one guard outside the entrance to the tunnel under the channel. Oh, well.


I just know they’re going to do something stupid. I hope nobody gets hurt. Pass the popcorn.


I hear the military has a secret center under NORAD and Cheyenne mountain where they have controlled wormholes that takes them to other planets through use of a ‘stargate’.


I hear they have stargates under the abandoned Wal Marts to transport them to Cheyenne Mountain where they’ll be fitted with RFID tags before they are transported to those planets.

It’s all very efficient.


He also says 9/11 was the government, Obama was born in Kenya, we did not land on the moon, Sandy Hook was staged, etc. “False Flag” is a word he uses about every 10 seconds.

Yes, he knows crazy sells. And he has an acting background. Handy.


Special carbon fiber reinforced tinfoil.Sheeesh. C’mon bro, ya gotta keep up.


How Infowars missed NASA’s plans to steer the Hale-Bopp comet plunging into Paula Deen’s mansion defies explanation.


Ditto from the bastion of Southern Germany. No sign of any take-over…at least I don’t see any troops or tanks at the local Biergarten. So for now, the beer is safe.