Discussion for article #227799
Corker, when later asked his opinion of Boxer’s attack on him replied, “I’ll get back with you after I find my testicles.”
Love my senator!
Ah yes, noted military strategist Bob Corker, who was in high school when John Kerry was in 'Nam.
I watched about 10 minutes of these Senatorial gasbags on TV and had to change the channel. I missed Sen. Boxer though. When I was watching it was all about who could sound more hawkish and hate ISIS more. Sorry, I just can’t listen to that crap. I see McWar is on now, grandstanding or showboating, whichever you like. Thankfully, I put the TV on mute.
Tell me when someone comes on that’s against all this bullshit. For once, I’d like to hear the other side give voice to the debate.
She needs to school DiFi on how it’s done. Boxer does CA proud.
You tell 'em… Senator from California that I don’t mind voting for.
Thank goodness it was Boxer, not Feinstein.
Which senator will show up on Fix News and the Sunday shows to discuss this exchange? The senator will not be Barbara Boxer.
I don’t understand how anyone with a brain would ask about strategy and specifics in an open hearing. “Mr. secretary, we need to know details, real details about your plans so we can second guess you. Never mind this is on CSpan, what does ISIS know about the innertubes?” I don’t recall any of these “leaders” asking the Bushies how they could expect flowers and celebration while raiding Iraq, much less specifics on what would come next after Saddam was out.
I’ve known Corker and his wife for years.
He suffers from the mistaken belief that he’s intelligent and that his opinions matter—although he was a decent mayor for Chattanooga.
He made his millions in construction----and now feels entitled to work hard to deprive others of the opportunities that made him rich.
Since God’s gift to small men is a colossal ego, Shorty Corker got a whopper.
Even with lifts in his shoes, he stands about 5’ 6" tall, and that whiny voice and pompous demeanor don’t make him appear taller either.
Boxer was far too kind.
Looks like Kerry and McWar are getting into it with each other…I think they’re fighting Vietnam all over again…
Yeah, it wouldn’t sound credible from Feinstein the War Pig.
Too bad Corker—and the rest of the GOP—won’t tell us who they believe their real enemy is.
Here’s a hint:
His initials are Barack Obama.
Sounds like he has a bit of a Napoleon complex.
for the first time AFAIK, both SoS and SoD are combat veterans. you can understand why senator corker doesn’t trust them.
A bit?
It’s a full-blown neurosis.
DINOFI? Are you kidding?
DiFi is under the impression that the more votes she gets from non-Dem voters, the better she has been doing her job.
I love your senator too. That one, at any rate.
update And I shouldn’t be snide given that I’d gladly trade you DiFi for Richard Burr, cloak of invisibility and all, in a heartbeat.
I saw this at the gym. Thank You Senator Boxer! Excellent way to tear into that slime ball Corker. It was exciting. It made me run faster too.