Discussion: Both Presidents Bush Condemn 'Hatred In All Forms,' Spare Trump In Statement

Trump has rightly received criticism for criticizing Obama and Clinton on a personal level, instead of just disagreeing with the policies of their administrations. It’s just not done.

The Bushes didn’t have to go into what a flawed man Trump is, how he’s failing to show the leadership necessary here, that he’s fundamentally unfit for the job. But they could have mentioned that Trump’s statements and his choice of White House employees is sending the wrong message to America. It’'s what the country needs to hear from its leaders now.

If they really love this country and cherish its values, republicans had better figure out how to move forward from here.

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I don’t think I really need the Bushes to tell me they oppose all forms of hatred. That’s kind of a given for POTUS. At least, it was, until the current one dragged his knuckles into the Oval Office.
This is not a time for half-assed action. You’re either with Trump and the Nazi sympathizers, or you are with the United States. Make your choice.

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Unless they name him it doesn’t mean shit to a tree.
They’re just providing cover for him and his white supremacist cronies.
But thanks for playing Bush boys.

“Now, watch this drive.”


Yes they did, he is the President of the United States, put there as the candidate of the Republican party of which they are members. Anything less then denounciation on the part of his fellow party members is complicity.


It’s hard to shake off that white privilege, isn’t it 41 and 43?


I just don’t think they, as former presidents, were going to go there. Everyone else in the country and the world certainly is.

Republicans heard the message, whether or not Trump’s name came up. I have never seen such a backlash against an American president in my lifetime, and he’s a Republican. So many conflicting emotions right now.

OT. 3M’s CEO just resigned from the council.


George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush released a joint statement denouncing “racial bigotry…"

Before sharing a hearty laugh over Willie Horton ads.


The Bush family hardly covered itself in glory during Katrina.

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That is not an answer to my question. Again:

Why are we only reading about what Republicans are saying on TPM?

Another profile in Bushie courage.

Then again, granddad Prescott was a well know nazi sympathizer, so what do ya expect?


Because TRUMP isn’t the head of OUR party. No one in OUR party ran on a platform of white butt hurt with racist dog whistles.


So. Much. Winning.


I just keep wondering - how mad is he now? He was furious yesterday.


Most of that is speculative BS (by a guy writing a book, John Loftus), in fact the article itself says
The most tantalising part of the story remains shrouded in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott Bush, Thyssen, Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC) and Auschwitz

Prescott Bush was a liberal for the most part. His involvement with UBC was commercial, he was not a Nazi sympathizer. He voted to Censure McCarthy in 1954. He was also involved in Planned Parenthood, and was a supporter of the United Negro College Fund, including being chairman at one point. Nazi’s were totally against such things.

Again, that article is speculation by a guy writing a book. Oh, one part that is not speculation from 1924:
One of the first jobs Walker gave Bush was to manage UBC. Bush was a founding member of the bank and the incorporation documents, which list him as one of seven directors, show he owned one share in UBC worth $125. Yes there were 7 directors and 4,000 shares. Bush was one of the 7, and had 1 share only.

Joe Conanson, an excellent and respected liberal writer, says the Bush-Nazi stuff is rubbish, as do many historians.

Yes, like MANY US businesses, they did work with German companies in the 1930’s. That does not make them Nazi sympathizer, that’s “Glen Beck” type linking. In fact, also from your article:
There is no dispute over the fact that the US government seized a string of assets controlled by BBH - including UBC and SAC - in the autumn of 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy act. What is in dispute is if Harriman, Walker and Bush did more than own these companies on paper.

Erwin May, a treasury attache and officer for the department of investigation in the APC, was assigned to look into UBC’s business. The first fact to emerge was that Roland Harriman, Prescott Bush and the other directors didn’t actually own their shares in UBC but merely held them on behalf of Bank voor Handel. Strangely, no one seemed to know who owned the Rotterdam-based bank, including UBC’s president.

They as former presidents know more than anyone what the job demands and Trump’s unfitness for the job, which makes them more obligated to speak up not less and makes their silence all the more damning.


Well, those two have their own issues. I’d like more from them, but it’s not going to happen. Wonder if they’ll open up if Trump is ejected.

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Then fire an email to: siteissues@talkingpointsmemo.com and unload your problem there. I am sure you will get a response within a day or two at the most. I have offered suggestions there and gotten good responses. The folks at TPM are certainly gonna be listening.

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No it isn’t, because for all their handwringing about his dragging it out into the open, Trump is a perfect portrait of the Republican party’s Dorian Grey.


While our Founders crafted an incredibly innovative Constitution, they purposely did NOT expect the country’s uniquely liberal philosophy of equality and rejection of authoritarianism to depend on an imperfect process run by career bureaucrats and self-anointed princes.

That’s why “the people” form the cornerstone of every national principle worth dying for.

Our electoral system screwed up. That doesn’t mean we have to accept it. In fact, it is our duty to correct it, and that means tossing out the traitors who gamed the system, and now openly express the desire to pillage the national treasury.

Our money. Put up with this for four years?

In the words of the great Newt Gingrich -s- why compromise with people who are wrong?

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And now I read that White House staff said thatTrump espoused these racist views in private, but these people were stunned when he said them publicly.

There ya go. They’re all deplorable.