I guess I was hoping they would tell Trump to go eff himself.
the Bushes didn’t name Trump explicitly.
Sadly, this is not a time for grace and lovely, handwritten notes on scented, heavy rag paper.
“However, though the statement clearly appeared to be a response to Trump’s equivocations on white supremacy, the Bushes didn’t name Trump explicitly.”
Maybe I’m a bit too emotional now but if they cannot NAME trump for what he is then the Bushes are part of the problem.
hhhhhmmmm…this is the GOP Deep State talking. Speak in carefully constructed anodyne ways. Do not ruffle feathers. Do not lose votes.
Yesterday trump showed who he supports and it wasn’t the anti-Nazis.
It occurs to me that trump ought to take a state trip to Poland to see Treblinka, Auschwitz, and the several other camps. Make him watch documentaries on the evils of the Nazis. Have him talk to survivors. Show him the ashes in the ovens. Send him back to Yad Vashem in Israel. Pound it into his head that the people who did the torch light rally on Friday at U Va are of that legacy and that by defending them as he has he makes himself part and parcel in what they believe.
I didn’t think I would ever see a president I dislike more than Nixon. I just didn’t think it would be possible. But it is.
Say. His. Fucking. Name.
Time to find out who the Nazi appeasers are. All sides my ass.
You both (along with Saint Ronnie) built this.
Once again, the Shrub Family strikes out. Mission NOT Accomplished.
The Bush Crime Family loves their $money$.
They won’t rock the boat until they get their big tax cuts.
Reagan’s 11th commandment is thoroughly entrenched in the Republican Party. They simple cannot bring themselves to criticize one of their own no matter how wretched he may be. They are a party of toadies, of yes men.
I’m at the point where even their “condemn hatred in all its forms” statment sounds like a dog whistle to right-wing memes about BLM being a hate group. Anything less than a full throated denounciation of Trump and a demand for his resignation is inadequate as far as I’m concearned
…and there you go. Presidents used to disagree on policy but not what it meant to be an American. Now we have Trump and all the conservatives that have kept their mouths shut or God forbid, stand up for bigotry as cowards and bullies. We have normalized hate.
Party before country.
Don’t forget it wasn’t that long ago that the Bush family was in bed with the Nazis
Agree 100%
Exactly what I was going to say
Where’s “low energy” Jeb’s statement?
Why are we only reading about what Republicans are saying on TPM?
Nobody is preventing you from providing links to what democrats are saying (though I already know what they are saying).