That would be the wrong answer, Cory. You should be pushing aggressively for accountability and say that impeachment is on the table. Easiest way to discredit Trump in a good economy is to call him a crook, point to the Mueller Report to prove it and call for impeachment following hearings. It’s like playing with house money.
No Corey. The House should begin an impeachment inquiry, educate the voters to Trump’s flagrant abuses of power, and then impeach.
Here’s the thing, it’s not too early.
Well, wait for the unredacted report, but if that is going to be delayed for 3 months to a year, then impeach him.
If the purpose of the impeachment is for doing something wrong, impeach him now.
If the purpose of the impeachment is a political ploy to get more votes, then delay until 2020 to impeach him to try to raise outrage and keep feeding it to until the election. The thing is, this approach is hollow bullshit and pretty much all of the target sway-able voters will see it as such. In my not humble opinion.
You are too careful, Booker, and wrong. How can it be too early when it’s a mere 18 months to the election? Now is the moment - people are mad now. At the very least, Cory, you should have said that he should resign. He should not be in office.
If they don’t at least initiate, after this incredibly damning report, they run a higher risk at this point, I believe. People want to see at least one-part of one branch standing up to this POS and following the law. His waffling is not a good look.
"Can’t run no more
with that lawless crowd
while the killers in high places
say their prayers out loud.
But they’ve summoned up
a thundercloud
They’re going to hear from me.
Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
- Leonard Cohen
At this point I agree. I didn’t before the report came out and we had a chance to see it. I do now - I think doing nothing is the worst thing we could do.
Yes, the report is much more damning than we all anticipated … even with the redactions. Made all the difference re impeachment.
It really has made all the difference. He is as guilty as sin and that’s obvious from the redacted report. He’s unfit for the office and that’s clear too.
In a recent poll 87% of the Democratic base wants impeachment investigations and hearings, and that’s just a day after the redacted Mueller report was released, so the number is almost certainly going to go higher. Wrong answer, Senator Booker. Stop worrying about what the Republicans and the MAGA hat wearers think and want, and start respecting and fearing your base.
Oh, and we don’t give a flying fuck anymore about whether the treasonous GOP in the Senate will convict. We want investigations and hearings into the criminality of the Trump administrations, and then the GOP can worry about defending the sleazy fat ass prick and his fellow criminals after all the wrongdoing is exposed.
Grow a pair, Cory. Stop being so goddamned “Senatorial”.
Gotta say, the more I think about what Warren did, the more I think she made an astute political move.
If you’re running against Trump as an incumbent w/a good economy (and yes there are a lot of warning signs and it could slow markedly) the easiest way to discredit him is to call him a crook, point to the Mueller Report as proof, and then call for impeachment. It’s like playing with House money if you’re a candidate for President. What can any member of the press, GOP operative or Trump say in response? That he isn’t a crook? Yeah, that line worked well for Nixon.
I think in a few weeks, 3-4 more Presidential candidates will move a lot closer to where Warren is now.
Correct talkingpoint.: A thousand times more evidence for impeachment than Republicans would need to impeach a Democratic president.
The only evidence for impeachment the GOP would consider necessary is that the Democratic president farted in the White House bathroom.
717 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-3224
Fax: (202) 224-8378
I think its wrong to characterize Warren’s move as “political” in any sense. This was a move based entirely on principle, and was completely contrary to everything she’d done so far in the campaign.
And its because this was a question of principles on her part that (despite supporting Harris for the nomination) I contributed to her campaign this morning.
{added in edit] Booker’s announcement, on the other hand, was clearly political. He is trying to position himself as the new Obama – the “centrist”, non-threatening black male – and advocating impeachment would be seen as too aggressive.
I am sure that Fat Ass will send a nice Twitter “Congrats!” to Senator Booker for his opposition to impeachment, which will be a big nail in the coffin of his presidential campaign unless he walks this back really soon.
Even fossil Steny Hoyer had to walk back that dotardish statement he made against impeachment.
Oh, and here’s a little humor to brighten your day. Our favorite Senator, Susan “I am very concerned concerning your concern of my concerning” Collins, said this about the redacted Mueller report:
“He was not only very upset by the special counsel’s investigations, but tried several times through intermediaries to end it, and it is an unflattering portrayal of the President," Collins told Maine Public Radio.
Oh, my, Senator Collins! What a burn! You are such a bitch, Suzie!
Good principles and good politics can align. I’m sure she is principled in how she came to this decision. I’m just saying that the politics of it are just as good.
Oooo she made it all the way to “unflattering.” Them’s fighting words for Susan. hahahahaha
The problem with waiting is that impeachment proceedings or votes later will excite the Republican base more than the Democrats. They have the most to lose.
Some of that support will waver if it’s going on for a year and ole donny has a chance to make himself rage for a while.
At this point, it’s good to say he should be impeached, but no point in going through the motions if that goes to a Republican controlled senate for investigation. They want power and don’t care about his crimes.