Discussion for article #242114
Here we go again! The full truth you say?
Hah, just like the Benghazi committee, eh?
Truth? We don’t want no truth!
Hey, why not Trey Gowdy? He’ll be out of a job soon enough…LOL!
And here we go again. The party of “fiscal responsibility” wasting more time and money.
Hillary immediately volunteered to testify.
Eight Repubs to five Dems. Seems balanced.
What could go wrong?
Let me be clear that “the sanctity of all human life” means before birth. Once those dear babies are born, we have comforting platitudes but no concrete assistance, which might require increased taxes.
NO representation for THE Preborn???
Marsha Blackburn? oy.
Are the going to investigate no state AG has found any wrongdoing? That’s useful.
But the fascists are trying.
Sigh. Since when is the standard of proof that an investigation has to find what the investigators were wanting to find before they started the investigation, or it’s considered a failed investigation that needs to be redone? This is insane.
Headline should read: “GOP/Teatroll Planned Parenthood Panel Hides in Marsha Blackburn’s Vagina”
LOL…Blackburn…of course…because her vagina shields them all from the accusation that they’re misogynists that want to eradicate women’s rights? What a joke. Here come the “How dare you!!!” faces when we all accuse them of doing precisely what everyone knows they’re trying to do.
This is who she is:
-She produced a bill that would privatize Social Security. Because we can trust big businesses to take care of the elderly.
-She has spoken out against the EPA, criticizing the fact that they have the authority to regulate greenhouse gases.
-She downplayed the need for federal disaster relief funding, pooh-poohing, of all the disasters that might have been exploited for assistance… HURRICANE KATRINA.
-She’s in opposition of gun control, and uses the inane argument that if you ban guns, then people will just use hammers and hatchets anyway.
-She was one of nine co-sponsors of the “Birther Bill” that demand proof of citizenship of all presidential candidates.
-In January of 2013, she took the time to state her skepticism about at the president’s answer to a reporter asking if he had ever fired a gun that he skeet-shoots at Camp David.
-The White House released a photo to silence her paranoid doubts. (Of course, that only made conspiracy theorists claim it had been Photoshoped or staged after the fact, anyway.)
-When a fellow Republican from Kentucky sponsored a bill that would stop a form of animal abuse towards horses, known as soring, Blackburn went on record to fight against it because it might eliminate the industry that uses the technique to create a breed of horses. Blackburn has gone to horse shows, personally, as fundraisers, and seen this abuse first hand.
-She also boldly voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, openly admitting that she did so because it included protections for LGBT, Native American, and undocumented victims of domestic violence. Yes, apparently, Rep. Blackburn feels it should be okay to beat up those pesky illegal immigrants. But that wasn’t shocking enough, she thinks domestic violence against American women living on the reservations, transsexuals, and lesbians without penalty. Were it a Violence Against Straight White Women with Birth Certificates Act, though, she’d have been all in favor of that.
-In June of 2013, during a roundtable discussion on “Meet the Press” about Republicans trying to pass laws to circumvent the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Rep. Blackburn decided to speak on behalf of all XX chromosome holders, and claim that “women don’t want equal pay”.
-Days after she, and the majority of Republicans voted against the Paycheck Fairness Act, that would grant equal pay for women, Blackburn had the gall to claim “Republicans have led the fight for women’s equality”.
-She ran a campaign ad in 2010 that referred to the Affordable Care Act as “SlaughterCare”.
-When asked about Massachusett’s Healthcare Plan, dubbed “Romneycare” during the 2012 election build-up, Blackburn refused to acknowledge that it even existed.
-Blackburn falsely claimed on CNN that Obamacare violated patient privacy laws, such as HIPAA, and when asked about specifics by host Carol Costello, Blackburn provided none, instead just repeating her imaginary claim. Again. And AGAIN.
-Blackburn called a Capitol Hill Hearing, subpoenaing Kathleen Sebelius before Congress to answer questions about the poor rollout of the Affordable Care Act on the healthcare.gov website. In a moment mocked for its grandstanding The Daily Show with John Stewart noted that after grilling Sebelius for a few moments, she tried to defend shoddy insurance plans offered by companies by making the ridiculous analogy that Americans like drinking out of a red solo cup and not something with a crystal stem while questioning Sebelius, our own Marsha Blackburn proceeded to get up, leave the hearing (that she demanded happen), and repeat the exact same line for the boys at Fox Business Channel.
-In July 2014, Blackburn voiced her opposition to funding for the immigration crisis unfolding at the time, claiming falsely that the Obama administration would just funnel the money into the Affordable Care Act.
(source: http://republicinsanity.tumblr.com/post/99423573738/marsha-blackburn)
Is there no end to their stupidity? There’s no War on Women, and we’re going to prove it by launching an investigation into an organization that has done more to improve the lives of women than just about any other group in this country!
I honestly can’t think of a worse issue or organization to go after headed into an election year, especially one that looks increasingly likely to have a woman at the top of the ticket. HRC, as a woman, working mother, grandmother and mother of a daughter, is uniquely qualified to speak to the importance of PP’s work. This is yet another political gift Republicans are idiotically placing in her lap. And after the ass kicking she already delivered, one wonders why in the hell Republicans would want to again take on Cecile Richards. This is just dumb!
The GOP/Teatrolls will embarrass themselves horribly all over again.
They’re nothing if not adept at manufacturing shenanigans that ultimately backfire.
“Recent videos exposing the abortion-for-baby parts business”… What the FUCK is he talking about? Nothing about this dickweed (no offense to the TPM poster) has changed! By hook or crook the republicans are damned and determined to subvert Roe and move women back a half a century! I know our side is giving some pushback but the republican effort needs to be exposed by every dem pol at every opportunity to every woman who’s listening! YOUR RIGHTS ARE UNDER SIEGE!
Do the Republicans ever think about what the end game is? I mean federal funds already do not go for abortion services provided by Planned Parenthood. If they do somehow find a way to defund PP, it only hurts millions of women seeking healthcare. What exactly is their goal here other than to demonize PP and pander to their base? We get it…you despise them. Can we move on now?
Hell, it doesn’t even mean caring for the fetus before birth. Free prenatal vitamins, that’s crazy talk. Help/housing for a pregnant addict who wants to clean up and keep the baby? No way. Is the pregnant woman a citizen…if not, she can rot.
I expect Planned Parenthood will become the most popular, well-respected non-profit in America once the Republicans are through with their investigation.