Discussion: Boehner: I Intend To Sue Obama Admin But It's 'Not About Impeachment'

Discussion for article #224345

It’s a real shame that the only jobs program these Republican fucksticks can come up with is geared toward finding more work for lawyers.


Number of executive orders, by president, going back to Reagan:

Ronald Reagan - 381

George H.W. Bush - 166 (one-termer)

Bill Clinton - 364

George W. Bush - 291

Barack Obama (as of 2014-03-20) - 175

Obama is on target to have around 269 by the end of his presidency. Pro-rated, less than anyone, since Grover Cleveland (who was also a Democrat)


I guess RNC doesn’t have to pay to sue. Probably going to add the the RNC debt though. The RNC is going to pay US back for all the wasted time and failed attempts to overturn laws, right?

What’s the total?


If they’d do their job, Obama would have to use executive orders. Period.


And not one reporter bothered to confront him with those facts. Not one. It amounts to tacit approval by all of them. GOP shills.

Democrats need to repeat these facts over and over again. Every day. Loudly, clearly and repeatedly. Not just some aside comment that reporters will ignore. Just as GOPers use their same lies/talking points until the reporters accept those GOP talking points as facts.


So the party of fiscal responsibility has already wasted about $30 billion in taxpayer money. So I guess their attitude whats another $5 to $10 million wasted pulling this exercise in ungoverning.


freakin joke the beltway bumbs

Boehner didn’t provide details on which executive actions he’d challenge

I’m really anxious to see that myself. I don’t know how exactly he expects suing to lower minimum wage, or revocation of extending benefits, or disassembling councils on the impacts of climate change will go over.


“This is not about impeachment, this is about faithfully executing the laws of our country.”

This made my dogs ears hurt.


Well, in 2010 they did run on JOBSJOBSJOBS

Unfortunately the JOBS in this case was for the lawyers, not the rest of us

From the National Constitution Center:

“Time after time, when members of Congress have sued in the courts, because the Executive Branch did something that they believe frustrated the will of Congress, they have been met at the door of the courthouse with a polite refusal to let them in. Failing to get their way in the skirmishing with the White House does not give members of Congress a right to take their grievance into court. Frustration does not make a real lawsuit, according to this notion.”


Way to go, Boehner. Keep those republican kiddies hoping and drooling.

And sending you money.


I’m pretty sure he’s planning on wasting money to go after Obama for issuing a directive to make the EPA shore up environmental rules on carbon that the President ordered enforced. Either that, or the President’s move on immigration through the DREAM ACT. What other Presidential action would get Boner the most bang for his buck in terms of fundraising for the base of his party. That’s all these threats are ever about…that and wasting more taxpayer dollars for stupid shit.


The power of the legislative branch isn’t being eroded, it is atrophying due to lack of exercise, while you hide under your desk cowering from the teabaggers you welcomed to the party.


If Boner is going to sue the Obama administration, he will need an attorney appropriate to both his stature and the significance of the case.

"Βetter Call Saul!™"


Wasting more taxpayer dollars to support the GOP election effort is more like it.


I’m sure Orly Taitz will be happy to take the case…assuming she can find a court she hasn’t been barred from.


I don’t think even the mostly-conservative judges who now make up the bench will fly in the face of all that precedent.

Boner will begin to droop on this one before he drops his briefs!



That online law degree sure did open doors! Maybe she can offer to give the judge free dental work.