Discussion: Bobby Jindal Refuses To Say If He Believes In Evolution

There are those who feel threatened by an educated population. They fear a return to the days of “The Weather Underground” and other youthful revolutionary groups in the USA. So their solution is that everyone place unequivocal trust in the literal meanings of a Bible that wasn’t even written down until many generations of “word of mouth” storytelling by shamans and witch doctors. If this is anything other than dogma, science it is not. Education is ill-served by such rantings from the so-called “Christian Right” who never seem able to find their way into the New Testament.

Jindal should end his delusion that he will be on a Presidential ticket in any capacity ever, and start tailoring his answers to that of a future “Fox News contributor”, as that’s his most likely source of employment after 2016.

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More likely he just isn’t sure what a poll would say people want to hear, and we all know a goodly portion of his GOP supporters don’t want to hear anything about an idea based upon critical thinking and actual science.

In reality his kids will learn the best science as he did its the poor who can’t afford private schools whose kids will not get the best education, and who will remain ignorant. That is of course the goal of all Republicans defend their privilege by keeping the poor ignorant.

“Jindal, a Rhodes scholar who studied biology and public policy at Brown University,” is a living testament to prideful, willful ignorance run amok. It’s the foundation of modern biology for crying out loud, and nobody should feel the need to hedge whether they believe it or not.

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New Reality Series on Fox…



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There is a reactionary element to our society that’s trying to drag this nation backwards. It’s unfortunate that politicians are playing into that.

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Teach the controversy!

I don’t believe in hydrogen, pencils, and plastic dolls, but I welcome the debate.

I know, it’s Obama’s fault, right BOOBY.

Didn’t this strange little man just say the White House and the administration were 'science deniers? It is never a good idea to wear ignorance on your sleeeve like its a red badge of courage.

How can the man live with himselves? There are so many different viewpoints issuing from the same mouth that he has to be suffering from a multiple personality syndrome, and the different personalities are at complete odds with each other!

What about the poor little innocents in Texas, Arizona and Kansas (forget about the bible belt)?

“I’m not a theoretical physicist” but I still believe in GRAVITY.
What is your excuse Bobby (REAL first name of “Piyush”)?
Are you embarrassed by the name your parents gave you? Why don’t you use it? Too afraid the shitkickers you pander to would abandon you if they figured out you are the son of Indian IMMIGRANTS?

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What’s marvelous is that Bobby J thinks he successfully dealt with the reporter’s questions, when actually he made a complete fool of himself.

Jindal is a religious freak from the Deep Old South. Down there the Old Southers believe the world began the moment the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. So there hasn’t been time for evolution, and besides since they haven’t evolved since the Civil War, they’re sure evolution is a lie created by Northern Atheist Coffee Shop Liberals.

It pains me that this jackass went to my alma mater. What were they thinking, giving him a degree?

Bobby, it doesn’t matter what you say to the teatards, your too dark for their lily white sensibilities

Most people try to come off as smarter than they really are. Here Bobby is pretending to be stupid. Only in Republicanland is ignorance considered a desirable trait.

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And Darwin said unto him: “Bobby, before the cock crows twice, you will deny me thrice!”

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Gravity? That’s just one more atheist lie straight from the pit of hell.

Secular humanists / deviated preverts use it to conceal The Truth.