Discussion: Bobby Jindal Refuses To Say If He Believes In Evolution

Survival of the fittest.

And this guy says Obama is a science denier? WoW. You can’t make this shit up anymore. Does Jindal even listen to himself?

I remeber when ol’ Bubba Science here ‘rebutterd’ President Obama’s first State of the union speech and mocked the federal government for spending money to study volcanoes. Remember that?

Then what does Mount Redoubt in Alaska do a few days later?


OK, I just loved that line. Well done.

There are a few key topics that a would-be President has to nail in order to ascend to the Presidency.
Of course, God is the biggie, whether you personally believe or not. High on the list is belief in the experts and that creates the conundrum. Jindal and his cohorts admit that they don’t know and apparently aren’t trying to learn but deny the intelligence and proven fact of the experts. Those two things don’t go together.

Playing dumb will get all of the Republican candidates the Romney award over and over, first loser and repeated loser.

Science is all around Jindal and his boys but they blank out at the part that hurts them politically. They aren’t so much deniers as they are absolutely chickenshit, opportunists and hucksters.

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I have to say… I am thankful I live in Australia rather then over that way … Though we do have political/religious mix over here (though that is starting to change slowly for the better)… at least they keep it out of the schools thankfully…

Politics & Religion should never mix…

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“I will tell you, as a father, I want my kids to be taught about evolution in their schools, but secondly, I think local school districts should make the decision,” he said."

I think a school should teach our kids right from wrong. They should teach them evidence and facts. Science facts. Yes, let there be room for critical thinking, but I do not want my child taught the violent nonsense in the bible. An ancient book written by man in his infancy of knowledge should not guide our children in the 21st century. A book that has been disproven by science countless times.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson — ‘The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.’ And guess what Jindal’s major in college is…wait for it, you will not believe me unless you look it up yourself.

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Studied Biology at Brown University and still doesn’t have an opinion about evolution. Jesus, Evolution is at the heart of ant biology curriculum. ( comparative anatomy , Biology 101, Zoology.) He pretty mush excludes himself as a potential presidential candidate. The man has NO opinion to a question that he spent 4 t0 8 years studying. Then he obviously doesn’t have a clue regarding the major issues that he would face as president.

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Here we go, again, about local schools, again … If their teaching what is needed then why are kids from certain schools not being taught what’s needed? Isn’t that what “core” is trying to solve?