Uh oh. He’s going to leave his right flank vulnerable to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the primary.
Dance Bobby…DANCE
He’s Piyush’d himself between a rock and a hard place.
Translation: He doesn’t.
Science has a case for a long term evolution from slime to man. Louisiana politics has provided many examples of the reverse happening in a shorter time, with Jindal being but the latest example.
Come on. That’s not fair… He’s a shit sandwich…
but the bread is pretty thin
What happened to “I say let the scientists decide that.”? They’ve already decided on evolution, it’s just bible thumping “christians” who refuse to believe it.
Just what IS that mortar holding the Republican coalition together? Oh yes, it’s bull$hit.
Jindal is evidence of Devolution.
mglo: Jindal is clearly a man of conviction.
i totally agree. unfortuneately, he has not yet been convicted.
How would Jindal answer the standard wedding ceremony questions where the standard answer is “I do.”
he wants to allow other theories being represented. you know, like the earth is flat. hey, just covering all the bases.
Jindal could have quoted that other know-nothing Marco Rubio on climate chage: “I’m not a scientist, man.” That dodge means you don’t have to acknowledge or take any action based on scientific facts you find politically inconvenient.
Bobby Jindal - just another science denier.
I’ll tell you what I believe.
I believe Piyush has about a snowball’s chance in a pot of gumbo, of ever being POTUS…
CRAVEN. Venal. Whore. But he lacks the personal integrity that any successful presidential candidate must not have–so he’s got that going for him.
I wonder where he stands on the whole spherical Earth theory?
Well, I know this is a personal jab but he’s just plain creepy.
[quote=“ByteMe, post:4, topic:10285”]
The reality is that he doesn’t want to listen to biologists …[/quote]
The reality is that he graduated with honors – and a degree in BIOLOGY –
from an Ivy League university (Brown). It’s a good bet the “other theories”
he mentions have far more to do with pandering to the knuckle-draggers
than worrying about his kids’ (or any kid’s) education.
…there’s one born again every minute,
Aww, bless Piyush Jindal. He apparently still thinks he will be the GOP nominee one day.