Discussion: Bobby Jindal Refuses To Say If He Believes In Evolution

Tomorrow is another day. Why get tied down by absolutes today? Convictions are like tattoos. Once they’re out there it’s awfully hard to make them disappear.



Jindal went on to say his gravitas is lighter than air…


“The reality is I’m not an evolutionary biologist,” the Republican governor and possible 2016 presidential hopeful told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Piyush isn’t a vulcanologist or a climate scientist either, yet he has strong opinions and conclusions regarding those sciences.

I smell a great big hypocrite.


…and smells of roses

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I disagree. I think the decision is best left to the evolutionary biologist employed by each individual elementary school. You know, when she’s not busy thawing out the salisbury steaks.


Ask him if he would have received a degree in Biology or been a Rhodes Scholar if he denied Evolution.
Without evolution how can you explain how a piece of shit becomes governor of Louisiana?

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I believe in evolution. I don’t believe in Bobby Jindal.


So let me get this straight-

Bobby Jindal, the self professed ‘Exorcist’, who published a detailed tract on the kidnap and unwilling detention of a fellow student in order to ‘engage in spiritual warfare and free her body from possession by a demon’, calls out the Obama administration on their scientific literacy? Have I got this a right?

Somewhere, Karl Rove is standing and clapping loudly.


Profiles in Pandering.


Congratulations. Today you won the Internet Games.

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As he is not a geophysicist, presumably he also has no opinion on the existence of gravity either. Just how stupid do you have to (at least pretend to) be to be acceptable to today’s GOP?


One thing that REALLY bugs the hell out of me is watching these hypocritical right-wing dogs demand lower taxes and less government, while simultaneously reaching into MY pocket to pay for THEIR kids’ religious indoctrination with tax dollars I paid, whether I belong to their faith or not, and whether or not I my want my government school teaching what their God-damned private church is supposed to be teaching. ARRGGGHHHH!

Had enough of the radical right’s bullshit? Join us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/RockfordSOL

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He evolved from Piyush to Bobby, didn’t he?


BJ hadn’t received the memo on ®evolution from his handlers.

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It’s a MIRacle!!!


…Make that ‘hole’ an ass…


Nope, never got big or bright enough to turn into a black hole. He’s just a sad brown dwarf.


I’m not an astronomer, but I believe that the sun is at the center of our solar system and the earth revolves around it, despite what my senses tell me. Why? Because people with the knowledge and equipment to make such determinations have told us that it is so, and I’m not some paranoid numbskull who thinks that generations of scientists have been spending their lives meticulously studying what must be incredibly dry material in order to conspire to lie to the public to further some unfathomable sekrit agenda for absolutely no gain whatsoever.

I couldn’t tell you the physics behind “bread goes in, toast comes out,” but I’m pretty goddamn sure it’s not magic.


Of course he believes in evolution. He couldn’t get a university degree in biology otherwise. He just can’t say so and remain a Republican.

♪I always voted at my party’s call
And never thought of thinking for myself at all.♫
– Gilbert and Sullivan, HMS Pinafore


If he, as a biology student, says he believes in evolution, he loses the hard right republicans.

If he says he believes in creationism, then he loses the moderate republicans, independents, and any possible crossover democrats. Plus he would look like a hypocritical butthole because of the science denier crack.