Discussion: Bloomingdale's Apologizes For Date Rape-y Holiday Ad

Discussion for article #242788


They’ll blame an intern.


The advertising agency must be run by a bunch of Republicans.

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That’s all well and good, but did they say Happy Holidays? Those darn Commie atheists!


No, no, no. It is Merry Christmas. Get it right. Waging a war on Christmas, Commie atheist and shareholder of Starbuck’s?


Damn! And just what was the message supposed to have been, anyway? Good freaking god, people.


Sorry, but I don’t find this “rape-y.” I do find the reaction to it “outrage-y.”


And the grammar! Even without the rapey content it’s an outrage.


I was just about to post something about the grammar. It makes the whole thing even more confusing. I don’t get the sense Bloomingdale’s is suggesting that the man spike the woman’s eggnog; rather, I get the impression that the woman is the girlfriend of the man’s best friend, whom the man would get out of the picture by spiking his eggnog. Who knows? Maybe that’s sexist or reading way too much into it on my part.

guess the ad agency is buying into the gop line of too much political correctness. so, fuck it if you can. young republicans at play.

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Well, without interviewing everyone involved on a polygraph I’m guessing the ad was considered “edgy”—it would go with the territory. For high-end ad people “edgy” isn’t so much an opposition to political correctness as an eagerness to let a spirit of childish naughtiness draw you into violating pretty much any norm the violation of which would bring your ad a moment of attention.


Oh, please! This stupid non-story has blown up into the biggest microagression of the day, already pontificated upon by ThinkProgress/Salon as a prime example of out of control “rape culture” that’s spread everywhere by white cisgender bros who can’t help but want to attack womyn. With a top of the ever condescending, “What blah blah tells us about blah blah.”

When this ad is used as definitive proof that someone raped someone else and this motivated it, then I’ll be right there with you. Jesus, you people just can’t help yourselves sometimes.


In its defense, the ad specifically memtions “Christmas”. It says “Have a Jolly Rapey Christmas.”

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Suggesting anybody spike anybody’s drink is creepy. Combined with the photo of that reptilian looking creep? Creepy cubed.


“Suggesting anybody spike anybody’s drink is creepy.”

Especially in light of all the women Cosby is alleged to have raped using this precise method. I am sure all of these women and the thousands of others who have been sexually assaulted via the means the ad suggests would be offended at the very least by this.


Slipping something into a woman’s drink when she’s not looking is just not cool — You should come right out front and ask her if she’d be interested in giving it up for jewelry —

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Ridiculous ad, no matter what lens you view it through.


I’m extremely sensitive to creepily suggestive images, and would be the first to criticize, but … I just don’t see it here. The guy is looking at the girl (he’s looking at her face) while the girl is looking away. Duh? Am I to understand that guys can’t look at gals? Yes, the text is insulting, but not the image.


Even if you don’t connect it with date rape, it isn’t friend-y to sneak an intoxicating substance into somebody else’s food/drink.