Discussion: Bloomberg's Mark Halperin To Host Pilates With GOP Donors And Ann Romney

I am praying for the Hail Mary Pass of all time in 2016…A fratricidal GOP Primary prevents ANY of the candidates from amassing the majority of delegates, and they end up with an open convention, where Mitt Romney rides in to save the day causing millions to stay home on election day!

A guy can dream, can’t he?

3 H Colonics…

High, Hot, and a HelluvaLot.

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Has DickCheennee been invited to the skeet shootings?


Here’s “journalist” Mark Halpern opining on the duly elected President of the United States:


How can he do this when other journalists can’t even donate to political campaigns? or the Clinton Foundation?


And quite blatant about it, too. Tossed that fig leave of being unbiased right out the window by, not only attending this event, but being part of the fund raising.


I can’t wait to read about the injuries from flag football and skeet shooting. What the hell is pilates anyway?

Anne Romney? Mark Halperin! I think I am going to be sick.

Now isn’t that SPECIAL.

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He looks like a gay caballero.

You display much wisdom, grasshopper.

He’s a presstitute. His job is to lie any lie for the Republican Party.

Mark Halperin is a suck up to the GoP!

Let’s just say, he’s getting jiggy with his support!

Damn that ‘libural’ media. Again.

No, but he finally got caught up with the depilatory nightmare.

Mark Halpern is a political tabloid non-journalist.

And later in the evening, as tribute to the Romneys for allowing him to host with Ann, Halperin would shine all of Mittens’ shoes (A big ‘thank you’ task!) and then walk Rafalca, making sure to clean up in case Ann’s dancing horse had an ~gasp!~ accident on the manicured lawns.

As his reward…Halperin got to ride Rafalca around the training ring:

***Halperin will be the only journalist…***" Stop that! Halperin is a suck up and a shill…He is NO journalist.

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Huckabee’s hosting a Synchronized Thumping workshop in the afternoon.


Sooooo let me get this straight:

It’s a conflict of interest when George Stephanopoulos would be moderating party debates but not a conflict of interest when Mark Halperin - a journalist - hosts a pilates session for GOP Donors.