Discussion: Bloomberg's Mark Halperin To Host Pilates With GOP Donors And Ann Romney

Halperin is a toad…I predict Bloomberg TV will can him…


The asshole should be burned in effigy. Few people are more responsible for the pathetic state of the national press than this butthead.


I suppose a session focusing on strengthening one’s core would be a good thing, but that requires Halperin to have a core to begin with.


This is SO hilarious! “journalist” mark halperin! He hasn’t been a journalist since way before he called a sitting President “a dick”.
Not a journalist, not a good body, not a good writer, can’t say for sure, probably not a good human being. DEFINITELY not a journalist.


Anyone who is a regular contributor to Morning Joe is a GOP Cheerleader. It’s in the job description.


That is one of the worst photoshopping jobs ever

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Halperin could also give lessons in how to effectively stick your tongue up Republican asses. He’s a champ at that.

I’ve started and abandoned three comments. I mean, he still pretends to be a journalist, right?


Wow that’s super weird, but I have to ask, is Halperin a certified Pilates instructor?

There’s a typo in your first sentence. I believe it should read “Journalist” Mark Halperin.

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It’s been clear for a very long time, that Halperin is far from a independent source of reporting.

I mean… Aren’t there… What was he…

Its hard to find a Democrat on that show.

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. . . Yeah . . . just . . .

So the key point here is that a bunch of would-be Pilates are going to be taking Pilates, hosted by a Pharisee?

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Time for another Blogger Ethics Panel…

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Pilates with a Presstitute…Sounds like the title of a John Waters movie!

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This twit with that phony, relentless smile is no journalist. No one can take him seriously because he doesn’t take himself seriously…

If you meant “would-be pirates” in the sense they rob and plunder, I’m on board.

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This alone should disqualify Halperin for any participation, as a journalist, on the 2016 presidential campaign. Of all the stupid things any of this guys can do! I always wonder what qualify any of this so called pundits, outside of the first amendment of course, to their lofty perch on the political discourse. Half of the time they do not know what is it they are talking about. Their political inside into what transpire on the campaign is suspect and biased. This in itself is not a deal breaker, but the fact they want to pass their ranting as fair and impartial really bothers me. In the 2008 and 2012 campaigns Halperin was a clear partisan. I not only look to what they say, but also to what they don’t say that should had been part of the discourse. Just recently Halperin made a big issue, and for that matter so did a couple of dimwits at MSNBC, about the straw poll of Wisconsin Democratic activists in which Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders 49 to 41%. This was presented as evidence of a closer than anticipated race for Hillary, and as a sign of discontent among the Democratic electorate. Pure unadulterated BS. What they failed to say was that only 511 activist participated. A totally meaningless sample of self selected participants that by virtue of history and temperament represent some of the most left leaning voters in the Democratic party. Bunk! I could gather a few drinking buddies and conduct a straw poll that in all likelihood will vote for Homer Simpson, by a large margin! Halperin has the right, perhaps the obligation, to go and shake his ass for the Romneys. What he does not get is the privilege of being taken seriously by any right thinking voter searching for information on the political process.