Discussion: Bloomberg Says He's Considering Getting In The 2016 Race

Dear Michael Bloomberg,

Just shut up already.


The American people.


I wish that were hard for me to imagine.
Sadly, it isn’t.


Another rich, old, white man enters the race. Whoop-de-doo!


“I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to the voters,” Bloomberg told the financial publication.
So then don’t soil yourself by running Mike. To get votes you hafta abase yourself and grovel for the rubes. There are herds of epically stupid folk out there Mike, who wouldn’t know they had been splattered by Trump’s shit filled buffoonery. And you’d hafta compete with that.
It’s better to hold onto your money, Mike.

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Ya think?

But wouldn’t he have wanted to do the same thing before Iowa? Oh wait – He did!

I wonder how many more times the media will let him pull the same routine?


as many times as they need him to…


On point four, that group is now called Everytown for Safety and Bloomberg is committed to putting $50 million of his own money into it. On one hand he’s about as idealistic as they come, on the other hand he’s staked out losing positions that appeal to only liberals as you point out. So he’d be a Nader or Perot for a new century.


Oh great. The Ralph Nader 2000 candidate in 2016… Hand the election to the incompetent, repulsive Republican… He would be doing MORE to help Trump or Cruz by running! Oh, the irony…

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I may be alone saying this, but Billionaire Bloomberg running a third party campaign doesn’t actually scare me all that much.

I highly, HIGHLY doubt many democrats would vote for him. First, Nader, W, and the 2000 election. That’s a scar that’s still fresh in near everyone’s psyche. Second, who the hell is Bloomberg’s constituency? Rich folk who aren’t that progressive or that conservative? I mean, who the heck would vote from him outside of NY?

Psssssht. No way would he subject his finances to the scrutiny of a National Presidential Campaign.
This is just a shot across Hillary’s bow to try to keep her from sliding further left on Bank Regulations.
He is worth 20 times what Trump is and would be WAY more dangerous. Trump is a rich buffoon. Bloomberg is a Wealthy Man.

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Uh, how is it a “shot across Hillary’s bow” when he’s saying he’ll only run if Bernie wins the nomination? (Has he changed his position on that since a couple weeks ago, when he launched his first trial balloon?)

Seems more like a “shot across the bow” of Bernie supporters, with Bloomberg threatening to jump in and act as spoiler and hand the election to the Republicans.


As far as Bloomberg’s actual chances as a Presidential candidate, I think Josh M sums it up just about perfectly in his brief EdBlog piece:

I will say that I have serious doubts that Bloomberg for President will survive first contact with the Hudson River…I strongly suspect that a Bloomberg for President insurgency would create a movement on the scale of Lieberman for President. After all, he wants your gun, your soda and your union card. Should go great.


Its a f’ing parody of itself (and a true sign of our collective gullibility and stupidity) that another billionaire is wringing his hands- closely weighing whether we need saving from Sanders, who is the lone candidate of either party without billionaire backing and conversely with a consistent, plain vanilla idea that -SHOCKINGLY- most peoples interests don’t align very well with the well represented, uber funded and wildly immediately self benefiting favored policies of billionaires.

Note to the chicken little, ooooh what will we do if the rich can’t demand nice things crowd; About 72% of the US annual economy/GDP is driven by downwardly weighted consumer spending, federal taxes when Social Security and Medicare are included are collected overwelmingly from non-Billionaires. Our economy and our currency is more threatened (with plain as day current and historical examples) by affording the super wealthy their self interested policy preferences than it is by actively placing friction against their continual and growing self imposed financial dominance…F Billionaires is a perfectly reasonable policy. Who really gives a shit what they want- don’t go away mad, just go away. We don’t live in a jungle, homeless people are on average about 90% as physically capable of fighting for survival as anyone, but the kind of battle they need to wage is usually against people just a few percentage pionts above them in the socio economic stratum and billionaires are happily taking a passive and compounding cut out of all classes wagers of resources to suceed.relative to each other. Okay I’m done ranting.


Just what we need, another spoiler billionaire like Donald “the draft dodging coward” Trump.

Nationally, Bloomberg couldn’t win election to the Water Commission in Flint.

What a conceited asshole. Oh, well, he’s from NYC.

Ted? Ted Cruz, is that you?


That’s what we need. Another narcissistic schmuck billionaire running for president.

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Perfect another billionaire, with the twist that he doesn’t even try to be an entertaining asshole.

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Yes, just what the voting public is clamoring for, another billionaire running for President.

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He did win three elections for Mayor in NYC, which happens to solidly Democratic otherwise and he was already a Billionaire when he did it. He’ll pull votes from Democrats and could even beat their candidate, opening the door to Trump, Cruz, or whoever on the right.

Don’t tell Mariah.