Discussion: Bloomberg Says He's Considering Getting In The 2016 Race

Plus he owns a news org, so it’s not like he has to go to any effort to get anything out there, even something spectacularly banal.


Billionaire finds all this talk about billionaires having a dangerously large share of the national wealth distressing and banal. So, of course, his first response is to think about buying the election for himself.


He’s made a determination that our Democratic system is broken so the way to correct it to have a billionaire step in, buy up all the votes and so, make things right.

Will Rogers would have had a field day with this.


'It’s Raining Old Jewish-born Men!"

I would support Bloomberg over any of the clowns running. If its a three person race I would bet he doesn’t come in third. I’m not sure he would win but wouldn’t bet against him.

Thank God we have a potential candidate who is such a straight shooter that he can’t even keep his own lies about his height straight.


The notion that this twerp has the tiniest chance to do anything beyond throw the election to the Republican candidate is delusional fantasy, because only a delusional fantastist would believe that somebody with these stated views would attract even a tiny number of Republican voters:

• Bloomberg supports abortion rights, stating, “Reproductive choice is a fundamental human right and we can never take it for granted. On this issue, you’re either with us or against us.”

• Bloomberg supports governmental funding for embryonic stem cell research, calling the Republican position on the issue “insanity”.

• He also supports same-sex marriage with the rationale that “government shouldn’t tell you whom to marry.”

• In April 2006, along with Boston mayor Thomas Menino, Bloomberg co-founded Mayors Against Illegal Guns, saying: “We’re determined to see that gun dealers who break the law are held accountable…”

• He opposes the death penalty, saying he would “rather lock somebody up and throw away the key and put them in hard labor.”

• “We’re not going to deport 12 million people, so let’s stop this fiction. Let’s give them permanent status.”

• In 2008, Bloomberg convened the New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC), an effort to prepare the city for climate change.

The only portion of the electorate that these views would appeal to are liberal Democrats and progressives—who will have a candidate in the person of either Sanders or Clinton, both of whom are already in substantial agreement with these positions. So if Sanders is the nominee, the only votes Bloomberg would conceivably draw are angry Clinton supporters or Sanders haters, and the reverse is true if Clinton is the candidate. He will split the natural Democratic vote and draw nothing of any statistical consequence from the Republican candidate, who in all likelihood will be Cruz, Trump, or Rubio.

He’s the New York City version of Eliot Cutler, only with much more money and more grandiose visions of his place in history. Of course, like Cutler, Bloomberg is wealthy enough and connected enough that he would never experience any of the discomfort that would inevitably be the consequence of the Republican victory. That’s for the little people to experience, while he lives in unimaginable comfort and carefree ease.


Hmm. Not sure second place is really a thing in elections.


mr. bloomberg. stay home and have a nightcap. all the best.

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Rules are for little people. He’s a billionaire…so it’s okay when he runs roughshod over the city council to change term limit laws for NYC mayors.

And now…well, he can’t be bothered with the primary process. Actually having to shake hands, kiss babies, answer redundant questions in small town USA, that’s not for him. He’ll just issue a decree from up above that the conversation is beneath the American people, and he will self appoint himself as our savior. No thanks.


He’s the “a lot better” American’s deserve? Interesting.


Finally, someone who can unite America by being hated by literally everyone.


“I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to the voters,” Bloomberg told the financial publication.

  • Oh, thank God; he’s only entering the GOP nomination fight.

He was rather talking about getting in if the GOP went for Trump/Cruz and the Democrats went for Sanders; he rather thinks he’s a needed alternative. I’m not sure who he listens to, what issues he thinks are not being addressed, or what solutions he wishes to propose, but it’s hard to imagine anyone concluding that what the country needs is another billionaire in public office or that billionaires have not had an adequate voice in this campaign.


Exactly. Other than people who follow politics, most of this country don’t even know who he is or care. Just another fucking billionaire.

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It’s sad when individual voters don’t learn the lesson of Ross Perot and Ralph Nadir – that when you vote third party in the U.S. you help the candidate you least agree with win. But that’s just for ordinary voters; for billionaires it’ scarier because they can be the third party candidate that leads the others astray.


Who hates guns and soda,


Bloomberg is somebody I would not vote for.


he learned from trump…

Why by an election for someone else?


in that situation he trying to be sure a billionaire runs the country.

For them Bernie must be stopped.

I’m sure the timing is purposeful as to scare voters into re-thinking their choices before tomorrow, hoping enough of us remember Nader.

Or maybe because it will be headlines for his ego.


Please, no! You do not need to inflict on the rest of the country what you did to NYC.

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