Discussion: Black Protester Suckerpunched By White Man In Cowboy Hat At Trump Rally

Discussion for article #247181

I hate Donald Trump and his racist supporters. Knuckle dragging scum,.


But this one had a cowboy hat! He was a Real American!


Just trying to see if he could arrange for the protester to be carried out on a stretcher. You know, like in the good old days before all those politically correct battery laws ruined the nation.


In those good old days, there wouldnā€™t be any protesters. Just victims carried away in boxes.


And who in the media will actually hold Trumpā€™s feet to the flames, not just ask the question and let him slick talk his way out of it, but actually ask Trump if he will ā€œrefudiateā€ these racist pigs?


Maybe these protesters need to start exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights at these rallies-- then blow the head off of the next cowboy jerk who lays a hand on them.


Fat, innie belly-buttons squarshed against the underside of drum-tight Polo shirts has become, along with cowboys hats and down-low Nazi crap, the new signature Trump look.

Donā€™t. Heā€™s doing us all a massive favor by bringing the impressively large misogynist racist contingent of the Republican Party out in the open.

Theyā€™ve been doing the dog whistle thing for years, pretending to be normal like everyone else.

Now the entire planet gets to see that they would all be wearing a swastika on their arm in an earlier life.

So donā€™t hate the Donald. Hate the people who support him.


When Trumpā€™s followers are ready to do violence for him is when the fascism really kicks in.


Itā€™s like hating Bozo because the kids want cotton candy.


I think Trump rallies are gun-free zones?


When this guy gets doxxed and goes on Facebook saying heā€™d never do anything racist and heā€™s soooo sorry and please forgive him, other white people, donā€™t believe a fucking word of it.

Gutless piece of shit is gonna be telling all his friends about the time he beat up ten black guys for the rest of his life. The cops have two choices: They can make an example out of this guy, or theyā€™ve already made the example by letting him get away with it.


Trump is having fun, and the GOP is being exposed - but who really believes that this is a winning campaign strategy for November? Trump is going to go down harder than Rakeem Jones himself, and heā€™s going to take the Republican Party with him - along with the notion that these adipose thugs are anything more than a bitter minority.


Another strange MSNBC thing regarding this violence along the lines of avoiding the truth behind the Trump alleged ā€˜productsā€™ā€¦I first heard about violence directed at the NBC Trump field reporter either here or perhaps CNN but not on MSNBC. Several days later I heard Tweety indirectly mention it to the reporter herself.
This pass along with the product pass and the seemingly unending Trump coverage from Day 1, the Joe & Mika thing and all coupled with Trump being a prime time NBC star suggests some stinky Trump/Comcast collusionā€¦


Thatā€™s fucking ASSAULTā€¦


I know. Why do Republicans Hate the 2nd Amendment?

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This is in Fayetteville, North Carolina on Wednesday Night. We must identify the man who assaulted this protestor and was given a complete pass for it. This is illegal. This is assault.


Now for some good news:

Say goodbye to the 2nd racist who shoved a 14 year old Black girl at a Trump rally days ago. Matthew: YOUā€™RE FIRED!**


Franz von Papen knew the candidate was a vulgar demagogue with violent followers.
But he needed political support from the party base.
And he naively believed he could control a thin-skinned bully.

Once in office, he quickly marginalized von Papen and the rest of the establishment.

Sounds vaguely familiarā€¦


Why is no one confronting Trump about this? And pointing out that itā€™s only black attendees who are being treated this way?