I don’t watch Letterman when O’Reilly is a guest. I’m quite sure I’m not alone!
Well he didn’t write 'em. He left that to the ghostwriter. He just stuck his name on 'em.
Amusing thing about righties, they think we are like their followers and have never read a book.
Bill’s audience has been shrinking over the last years. I doubt he mentioned that.
The reason “liberal” media doesn’t match up to “conservative” media is Liberal’s don’t need it. I don’t watch MSNBC because I know what goes on there…I agree with most of it…but I don’t need to hear it. The folks listening to O’Reilly need to here his bunk. They know its crap but they need to hear it. We shouldn’t forget that Bill’O had a long career in media before he began whoring for FOX and NO ONE paid attention to him. He had zero success in legitimate journalism.
Also for those in the know…FOX sucks in the “demo”. This is never mentioned by anybody on that network. And…given the numbers FOX posts for its ratings we can deduce near 98 % of America does not watch it. Almost no one under 30 does and the folks up to age 55 are walking away.
Let Faux Newz have great ratings as long as his ilk does not inhabit the white house, WTF cares?
Right, Bill, because as we all know, ratings equals quality. Ahem.
Hey Papa Bear, you didn’t mention the median age of your audience versus MSNBC or anyone else, or percentage in the 25-54 age group. I wonder if there’s a reason for that?
Of course Bill Orally has large viewership numbers. His viewers have nothing to do as they are Waiting For God.
And Oprah has 10x the viewers of BillBo and “Fox News” entertainment combined.
Obviously that means Oprah is right and Billbo is wrong.
Median age 72.1.
I seem to recall TRMS doing a story on this, where she compared the ratings for all the cable news channels to some other cable shows.
I think Honey Boo Boo had them all beat by a mile.
He’s a legend in his own mind.
“It’s not a news organization, alright? It’s a cable channel that promotes left-wing causes. Not a news organization.”
Kindred spirit, then.
A posthumous autobiography?
And now we know the title of his next book: Killing MSNBC.
Seriously, he thinks about killing waayyy too much.
And wrong…always, always wrong.
You forgot to include that!
(Note to self: Get the hang of the interface before posting) I had a misplaced post elsewhere that suggested that O’Reilly should be comparing his ratings to that of another basic cable program: The Daily Show. Of course, one of those shows is pure entertainment, while the other show – the one with Jon Stewart – features actual news.
O’Reilly’s Titanic is heading straight for the iceberg of reality, while he derides the small vessels as he passes.
This too will sink.
Well, if it was titled, "Not Worth the Bullet’…
Bill-O and the cowards that watch him prefer simple lies to complex truths; TV ratings are no different. The big three cables news outlets are all horrible, as well documented by the true leader in television journalism, Comedy Central. The three share some defects but mostly each has their own unique failings; Fox is of course the worst by far.
For my part, I regularly watch Letterman, but not when that bloviating sack of shit O’Reilly is on. Too bad we’re not a Neilsen household.
I love the Howard Kurtz show because it’s like watching a train wreck that everybody gets to walk away from. The premise of the show is that it’s a media watchdog deal on the most biased propaganda outlet since the Soviet Union. That sets you up for the hijinks right there, and boy you’re seldom disappointed.
The O’Reilly interview dumbfounded me though. It was like he was announcing to the world that, screaming out loud, I AM the unbridled asshole people accuse me of being, damn it. I was drooling a little by the end, I was wondering if it caused some sort of mini stroke.