Discussion: Bill O'Reilly Thinks It's Time For A Mercy Killing At MSNBC (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #228762

On behalf of MSNBC, I would like to apologize.


Actually, very few people are watching cable news at all.

So Reilly’s supremacy amounts to being the tallest midget.


His cognitive dissonance must be deafening.


“I bring ratings to those shows,” he told Kurtz. “So when I go on
Letterman or I go on the morning shows, their ratings go up. That’s why they have me on.”

It’s exactly this sort of unbridled arrogance that causes me to throw heavy objects at my TV when I see Billo’s mug on the box. And because of my reactions Mrs darr in her wisdom has banned my watching this arrogant excuse for a human being. He is insulting, talks over his “guests”, and is insufferably arrogant.


The only reason Fox has the number of viewers it has is because it’s basic cable. MSNBC and CNBC are premium.

Cable news compared to network news viewership is minimal.

I’ve always wondered why NBC didn’t pressure the cable companies to include their news programs in basic cable like Fox did.


Sometimes I think he actually believes Fox is a news organization.


Bill O’reilly and Fox News ratings are so high because old white conservatives watch in great numbers. Not only that, cable news ratings aren’t big at all anyway. So, go ahead and brag Bill. No-one cares.


I think it’s time for a mercy killing too…it’s time to bury O’Reilly and Ailes’ careers, drop molten lead on it and then molten lava.


How can anyone breath with O’Reilly’s ego consuming all the oxygen in the room?


If anyone knows about a channel licensed as entertainment by the FCC while purporting to broadcast the news, it would be a FOX noise shill like O’Really.


I’ve asked this same question to Comcast, who incidentally also owns MSNBC. They told me that as part of their merger agreement with NBC/Universal, Comcast was to treat NBC-owned channels (e.g. CNBC, MSNBC, NBC Sports, Bravo, USA) as separate entities entitled to no special treatment with regard to carriage fees.

Here in Seattle, you need to have a higher-end digital package (Digital Starter) whereas Fox News can be had on the low-end Digital Economy.

Plus I have a sneaking suspicion that Comcast is not at all upset about this.


‘Killing Lincoln,’ ‘Killing Kennedy,’ "Mercy-killing…’

What’s with all the murderous talk? Doesn’t Fox Not the News have ENOUGH blood on its hands?


MSNBC’ potential audience is working. FauxNews’ is retired and lapping up the race-baiting, the conservative victimization, and self-righteous nonsense like dogs at a gravy bowl.


There are no highly rated cable news channels, at least not these days. Even Billo can’t pull enough to compete with nearly all of the other basic cable channels. The real question is why is Fox still on basic cable. It ought to be replaced by reruns of the Property Brothers and moved to premium status where it should be.


Killing O’Reilly is a book I’d buy.


And his “Killing Lincoln” and “Killing Kennedy” books are just a rehash of the similar books written by Jim Bishop 50-60 years ago. Nothing original in Bill Orally’s books


Basic cable, on top of an older demographic that may not be as familiar with alternative sources of information, and on top of that Fox News tends to be one of the only outlets for news that conservatives will tune into. MSNBC has far more competition when it comes to all of the other demographics that aren’t hard right and can’t take the Fox News hypocritical bullshit and faux outrage. It’s always silly to me when people tout Fox News’ ratings as some sort of indicator as to how the nation leans ideologically.


FOX News will always have a leg up in the ratings simply because illiterate people watch a lot of TV. Others use multiple sources to get their information books, newspapers etc.


Billo reminds me of one of those art farts who praises a painting as a ‘beautiful example of Rembrandt at the height of his powers’ and then two months later the painting is proven to be a fake.

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