Discussion: Bill O'Reilly: More People Are Liberal Because More Are 'Simply Ignorant'

So close yet exactly backwards.


It’s like watching someone talk out of a prolapsed rectum.

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Bass-ackwards once more Bilbo, its the conservatives who are ignorant of fact

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Studies show Fox viewers are even more ignorant that people who watch or read no news at all. They are worse than zeros.


That involves some heavy lifting, too.

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Simple, Bill: Action <-> Reaction.

The more noise the ignorant makes, the more Liberals wake up.

That’s what you meant, right ?

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Bill O’Reilly translated:

Why is Bill O’Reilly still being listened to? He is a moron, and many other things I won’t bother mentioning.


“I believe only about 50 percent of the American people take the time to understand important issues,” O’Reilly continued. “Half the country does not. They are simpletons, unwilling and unable to discipline themselves into formulating a philosophy of life.”

This? Coming frome a big liar, a sexual harasser and a wife abuser, I’ll take what he says as seriously as I take the idea of a catus growing in the Arctic.

I do like how this poll clearly upsets him, though.Smiley


I thought 53% of American’s were educated, and the other 47% were moochers. Why did the percentage drop 3% in 3 years?

Also how dare liberals try to convince other people to become liberal? Don’t they know that’s only for knock on your door evangelicals? What is there like a 1st Amendment or something???


Got that everyone? Better smarten up or he’ll beat you like you’re his wife…


more projection there than at a 24-screen theater.

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NO billo, more Americans are liberal because it is the 21st century. People are open to the live and let live liberal philosophy.

People don’t believe in the bible nuts demanding absolute control over others lives, and are not buying you and your brethrens 1950’s stereotype crap any longer.

It makes me smile!

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Which five do you have in mind?

I think it’s a “Squirrel” game.

Shorter O’Lielly: Let’s ignore that I lie to you, just believe me when I tell my devoted audience that you are better than they are.

““I believe only about 50 percent of the American people take the time to understand important issues,” O’Reilly continued. “Half the country does not. They are simpletons, unwilling and unable to discipline themselves into formulating a philosophy of life.”” believe it or not he is correct, however, the 50% he mentioned are usually not those who are socially liberal but those that refuse to think and/or allow others to do the thinking for them. They usually are those that follow the gifters such as O and their “preachers” who from my experience are some of the most vile people around.

the only reason you could call most liberals ignorant is if they started takeing anything conservative republicons and their mouth pieces seriously…instead of the usual inane BS

Alternate version of “There are two types of people in the world, those who agree with me and IDIOTS, don’t you agree?”

Gee, Fox really must rely on hard data for its information. I mean, come on, when O’Reilly begins his program with the words, “I believe…” Nothing qualitative about that, is there?