The best way to view BOR’s opinionating is to understand that he always flatters the simplistic biases of his white, aged, male viewers. This reassures them and makes them feel righteous and validated. Ergo, things were always better back in the day when they had some civil power, better erections, and people actually listened to them. (Now they are relatively more isolated, flaccid, and powerless. Age does that.) With all issues under discussion, BOR tells us things are worse now and it is the liberals’ fault. No facts or research are necessary. Stating it makes it so. Lather, rinse, repeat. Goebbels would be proud.
I believe that about 50% of what Bill says is bullshit, while the other 50% is batshit.
Time for a little Colbert:
Inconvenient truths? Yell at the clouds, Bill. Yell at the clouds.
Fox viewers are statistically more ignorant than my philodendron.
Shorter O’Reilly, our ratings are down as cable news tanks.
It’s easy to get rich telling old white conservatives shit they think they already know. Nice work if you can stomach it.
One economic conservative who earns less than six figures, is more ignorant than 50 liberal LGBT individuals.
I became more liberal once I finally realized what “conservative values” actually entailed.
And conservatives are dying off in droves to be replaced by nobody. When you are hawking an inferior brand with constant recalls, it’s easy to dismiss the intelligence of the consumers who have been driven to buy a higher quality product instead. Go ahead. Insult and alienate those that will be voting in the future.
I have been having fun on facebook. As my conservative friends post the latest from Fox or talk radio, I challenge them in comments. After a while they sort of drift off. Nobody has unfriended me yet because I don’t call names, i just ask pointed questions. Amazing the number of people who side with me these days. Try it.
Bet you never realized that incest could be defended by Republicans. That’s a new low for even the party of Nixon.
They’ve circled the wagons and are desperately defending their own.
It’s a death spiral.
I once got a troll to admit he hated everything about Bush in 2004 and would vote for any third party candidate in the future. He wasn’t going to vote for Kerry but he had already soured so badly on the GOP that all his conservative rants were sort of a habit rather than any real commitment.
I think he had been laid off in the 2002 Bush recession or was a victim of outsourcing. You get the idea that he had had a really hard time of dealing with his reduced circumstances. You wonder why they continue to rant when its obvious that they were so fooled and abused by the GOP, I guess its victim trauma where you blame everyone but your attacker?
Doesn’t really matter much now because a lot of these old white males are getting quite old and sick. He won’t be trolling much less voting much longer. And you sense that if they have children, they don’t come around very much or hold the same political views.
“More Americans are simply ignorant of the consequences involving social behavior,”
He’s vastly oversimplifying things and obviously dodging out of having to admit some uncomfortable facts about an evolving society, and pretty much wrong on all points. But I’ll point out this quote above. Conservatives have long held this completely false idea that there ever was a time where social conservative principles provided some kind of unyielding good for everybody. There never was. We’re not that far removed from Jim Crow, or a time when women’s suffrage was touted as a march toward Marxism, or women were pulled off of marathon race courses for simply wanting to participate, or that being born gay meant a life of secrecy and the threat of being outed and murdered. This is all just a thinly veiled dog whistle bitch-fest about how the old, white, male Christians aren’t the primary beneficiaries of society anymore. Old bastards like Bill O’Reilly are losing their influence, and that’s for the good. He can blame whatever he wants but the only people he’s fooling are the dying old regretful choir he’s been singing to for years.
Which simpletons would those be – the ones who believe that the earth is less than 10,000 years old … or the ones who claim that “the end of days” is fast approaching … or the ones who insist that manmade climate change is a hoax because “only God can cause changes to the planet” … or perhaps the simpletons who believe that the national economy was stronger when Bush left office than it is today?
Not only are they more ignorant, FOX acts as a gateway to the Far Right Media which only makes people even more ignorant.
Pick what a group of aware, educated people might agree are the five most important current event/policy/news topics at this moment. Stand on any city street corner and randomly ask 100 people to give a rudimentary summary of those five issues. Just three sentence on each topic. If five people proved knowledgeable on all five topics I’d fall off my chair