Discussion for article #236845
David Letterman to Bill O’Reilly: "You’re a goon!"
“More Americans are simply ignorant of the consequences involving social behavior,” he explained. “The rise of the Net has taken people away from the real world and put them in a fantasy world.”
O’Reilly said this while broadcasting on Fox News?
This makes my day, thanks!
He also said that there are more liberal news websites than conservative ones.
Triumph of the marketplace, Bill-o
No kidding, I thought I read where Fox viewers were statistically more ignorant than most.
Who knew Fox was liberal lamestream?
“Tides go in tides go out. You can’t explain that”. The man who can’t tell the difference between a loofa and a falafel. Liar and wife beater. Fox “News” “talent”. Does anything more need to be said.
words of wisdom from the sexual harasser himself…
you gotta love how douchebag conservative dipshits like o’reilly, walker, huckagee, the duggars etc just keep digging a hole deeper and deeper - turning more and more people against the entire right wing money machine.
you gotta believe one day they will talk themselves out of existence. all by themselves
“I believe only about 50 percent of the American people take the time to
understand important issues,” O’Reilly continued. “Half the country does
not. They are simpletons, unwilling and unable to discipline themselves
into formulating a philosophy of life.”
Fair enough, though I think it’s really fewer than 50% who take the time to understand. Problem is, I think Brillo is looking at the wrong half.
Yo Brillo, does evolution fit into your definition of a “philosophy of life”? Human-assisted climate change? Tax-code-aided welfare for the wealthy?
It appears that the only issue Brillo can point to that differentiates the social liberals from the conservatives is same sex marriage, and he believes conservatives are on the right side of that issue.
Game over.
When it comes to ignorance O’Reilly is a leader.
I’d challenge O’Reilly to a battle of wits except I refuse to attack someone who is unarmed.
Pot meet Kettle-kettle meet pot–oh wait u r black-----be afraid ! very afraid!–Tell me again about ignorance bill
OK, I confess. I’m SIMPLY IGNORANT’ of insane conspiracy theories, judging a twice duly elected POTUS based on the color of his skin, denying women the right to direct their own health care, espousing chickenhawk philosophies that bankrupt the treasury and kill hundreds of thousands. etc, etc… Yep, I’m simply ignorant all right.
ROTFL…It’s always Opposite Day in BillOworld’! That bloviating, woman-abusing, serial liar lost any semblance of credibility he had long, long ago except to his drooling, aged FOXbot cesspool of low/no info viewers.
Even O’Reilly knows that only low information voters, Faux’s primary demographic, believes this stupid shit.
It’s interesting that Bill felt the need to bring this subject up. I think it’s a booster shot for the dull witted, low information ignoramuses who watch his propaganda program.
BillO believes for ever drop of rain that falls a flower loses a brain cell.
Calm, reasoned debate…Drag those liberals down the stairs by their hair BillO!
Liberals are a bunch of dumz! Trenchant analysis from one of the most prominent thought-leaders of whatever conservatism has become in the 21st century.
Bill Orally’s biggest gripe? People questioning the patriarchy
They’ve been unwittingly working towards that for years and I think the more they lose the shriller they will become. FOX news has already become a parody of itself.
So says the wife-abusing sexual harassing perverted-book-writing brain trust of the right. It must be true!
Now, all kidding aside, that is definitely true. It’s hard to believe, but they’ve really gone off the rails. They don’t give a damn anymore about preserving even a shred of integrity or professionalism. That would be contrary to their business model.