Discussion: Biden Will Launch 2020 Campaign Thursday

Bernie will see it that way, for sure. I can hear the sound of the heavy guns starting to swing around in Biden’s direction.


At least he won’t go around denigrating the Great Unwashed and homemakers.

Why, he might even appear in Wisconsin!

No doubt Joe once had a conversation with a (shudder) multinational corporate banker.

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Truer words were never spoken.


Clueless prop of privileged white patriarchy, in the pocket of Big Pharma, poodle of the insurance industry.

Bpphht! :laughing:


It’s representative of about one or two demographics which is why I’m finding myself less and less interested in posting here and why I’ll be getting rid of Prime. White guys talking to white guys about what to do about everybody else is just not all that appealing right now.


Corporate America has some really shitty ideas. They have some okay ideas. They have some good ideas.

‘But but but spookey CORPORATIONS!!!’ doesn’t find much sway with me, and I don’t think it resonates particularly loudly outside the Twittersphere. Not as a one-liner QED, anyway.


Indeed. Only WE can fix it!!1!ONE! :crazy_face:

Now that’s what I’m talking about!

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It does seem reliable for demogogically getting traction with the naive and the discontent.

Yes! Let’s do this. We have a great field of candidates.


God I would hate it if you left but I would also understand it, from your viewpoint.

Some days frankly I open a thread and I see it’s all guys, and I close the thread again. I just don’t have the energy.


Nailed it. I’ll stay with Prime, but the white privilege here stinks. Count me among those who would miss your comments.


You add a lot here.


Yeah, you are probably right but it’s hard to tell, they’ll say anything, especially HRC.

O thank you. :blush:

So does @pluckyinky. A lot more really since she’s unique here and I don’t blame her for getting tired of it.


You make the case for Biden really well, and I have nothing against him… except he’s way too old (as is Bernie).

We haven’t had a President die in office in a long time and I’d like to keep the streak going. But that’s not the biggest danger of electing a man in his late 70s…

Consider: we’ve had two Presidents in our history who were over the age of 70 on inauguration day: Reagan and Trump. Leaving their politics aside, both suffered/are suffering significant cognitive decline while in office. Reagan reportedly had Alzheimer’s for most of his 2nd term. As for Trump… :mask:

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This 67 year old going on 68 agrees. And I’ve seen people whose dementia snuck up on everybody and it took several stunningly bad decisions before people in their families finally admitted something was wrong.

This doesn’t apply to Trump - all he makes are bad decisions. He’s terminally broken already. But it does apply to Biden and Sanders.


I’m pretty sure that he needs to not announce his candidacy. He’s not the right guy and it’s the wrong time. We don’t need more Obama (who let the banksters go and signed off on the FAA’s certification program at Boeing.).

Time for Mr. Biden to sit down.