Discussion: Biden Swipes At Rudy's 'Inappropriate' Ukraine Trip: 'It’s Sort Of Giuliani’s Style'

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I guess Joe is waiting for Giuliani to have an epiphany.


Describing Ghouliani’s “style” as “inappropriate” is the most mildest way of saying “mobbed-up” I’ve heard lately.


“inappropriate” is elbows on the table at dinner time.

Giuliani isn’t inappropriate, he’s abhorrent


Way too harsh, Joe.


It is going to be fun to watch Biden slap Giuliani and Trump around all summer.


Oh jesus. A “swipe”? With what - a feather? Biden’s “strategy” seems to be: Let’s not get anyone mad. I’m an old white guy and others like me just want things to “get back to normal.” So let’s pretend that Republicans are secretly honorable except for this Trump fellow. And, if you voted for Trump and regret it now, all is forgiven and forgotten! I understand!

Okay, I was on board with supporting a green bean if it’s the nominee, but I really don’t know that I can stomach this.


“It’s sort of Giuliani’s style and this administration,” Biden told New Hampshire local station WMUR. “It is inappropriate. Unrelated to me, it’s just inappropriate to send your lawyer to a foreign government to try to get them to do something that has no bearing except to try to embarrass.”

This is sort of Joe’s style. It is inappropriate. It’s more embarrassing to Democrats than to Republicans.

I’ll vote for Joe and even toss twenty bucks his way if he’s the nominee, but it would be hard to think of a more demoralizing candidate for the Democratic base. We’re headed for disaster if he keeps this up. People will simply not find it in themselves to volunteer and knock on doors for this guy. Can somebody who has actually won a competitive election please explain this to him?


If he can bring down Trump, that would not be demoralizing at all, IMV.

More liberal Democrats are going to have to offer more than moral indignities if they want to get elected. IMV. Again.

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My point is that Biden is running the risk of not bringing down Trump. He’ll be one of those candidates who everyone assumes will win but nobody will go out to do the backbreaking work for, because nobody will be inspired by a message directed at the placating the other side. The 2018 Blue Wave relied on massive, massive grassroots energy and a great crop of candidates. There isn’t going to be the same energy with Biden on the ticket. Meanwhile the Republicans will be totally and uncompromisingly stoked.


He had a choice between “inappropriate” or “impolite”, thought the latter was over the top.


It was the monstrous prez who said it best: Sleepy creepy Joe.


Joe’s willingness to not take on Rs goes way back. He loves his fellow pols, gave them accommodations while he was in the senate and sees little wrong with anyone from the other side. “Jesus”? For me it’s JFC.


Right. trumpp will be attacking as only he can, often and belligerently and coddling Putin all the while, and Joe will be swiping at inappropriateness

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When Joe suddenly zoomed to the top of the charts, I did what every Dem did: I rebooted and thought to myself, OK, let’s get ready to give this guy my support. But he’s campaigning like it’s 1996 and I just can’t connect to the guy on any level, except that he’s better than Trump. He hasn’t made one policy proposal that George HW Bush wouldn’t make. He has completely failed to embrace the partisanship that propelled the 2018 Blue Wave. It’s downright dangerous to our chances in a turnout election. His messaging is directed exclusively at some mythic reasonable old white demographic in Wisconsin. There are more swingers out there than swing voters.


Debates are on tap in June and July for Democratic candidates. I’m hoping some will be culled or at least people will be considering what they’ve seen closer up and more personal than they have to date. Joe’s resting so far on his Obama connection, one that can be appealing and reassuring, like comfort food in a world of indigestible fast food. But he’s gotta take a swing and maybe he’s waiting for a larger audience. Or his next dose of Geritol. :smirk:


Hey, we need Superman, not Clark Kent. Doesn’t want to offend anyone, he’s not a fighter and we seriously need a fighter.

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You called?


If Mr Giuliani is looking for witches, he need go no further than his own backyard…

When I was a kid watching Superman jump out windows I always imagined him landing on matresses just outside the windows.