“Totally, thoroughly unqualified to be president.”
Ah, Joe. Always was a master of understatement.
“If my son were still in Iraq — and I say to all those who were there, the threat to their life has gone up a couple clicks,” he said. “Does he have any idea the adverse consequence these outlandish comments have on our allies, our friends, and the physical safety of our troops?”
Drumpf twitterstorm has been forecast. Prepare to see U.S. military attacked.
Joe needs to get back in front of a press gaggle and say four words:
“I told you so.”
That Trump speech was… awful.
He said that if Trump had been president while his son was serving in Iraq, he would have “thrown my body in front of him” in order to “keep him from going if the judgment was based on Trump’s decision.”
This is one of multiple reasons why this election is deadly serious for me. I have a son serving in the Navy. The thought of him and his shipmates having Trump as their commander in chief is truly horrifying.
Keep pounding him, Joe. Just keep pounding him.
I wish to hell they’d spend more time tying the rest of these republican j.o.s to Trump, especially Paully “Plan B” Ryan, and let up on Trump. They’re going to try to dump Dean Donald, and Ryan needs to be tarred. I swear you can see it coming.
Trump himself hasn’t tweeted in almost a full day, when he went on a rant about the media. There’s an account that filters out only the ones he posts here:
I love me some Joe!!!
Joe is really saying Trump is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Wow, as if I’m not already wasting too much time following the Drumpfster Fire escapades, and you go an give me this…
It’s funny, but if you look at his actual account and compare them, you can see that his staffers are now trying to copy his style and make it less obvious. Before it was very clear when it was Trump himself just by the writing and punctuation; now they’re applying a bit of Attack Haiku as well. But they still can’t quite do it right so if you recognize it, it’s pretty obvious which is him (the bot account filters them based on the fact that Trump uses an Android and his staffers’ tweets come from an iPhone).
Biden attacked Trump viciously, same as the vicious attacks Trump is readying against ISIS. He plans to use drones with little megaphones that will hover over al-Bagdadi’s mosque and call him vicious unspeakable names. Unbelievable!.. or as Trump says it “not worthy of belief.”… Anything Trump says.
What do he and his shipmates think of him? I imagine a lot of folks in the military are gung ho let’s go shoot them all and let god sort them out and that’s the reason they joined in the first place. But I also think a lot of folks in the military just join because they can’t find a lot here or don’t have the grades or money for college or post HS training.
I’d pay good money to see either Joe Biden or Harry Reid literally in the boxing ring with the Fatassed Orange Combover. He’d be on his knees weeping within seconds.
Biden thrives on this - and in a delightful way he is amply edgy - so much so that he plays well against prissy old 'Dainty Digits"
- there are 84 days until the election - Biden should be used frequently & at full strength over this time
- and should deliver maximum impact kicks to Trump’s crotch at every opportunity.
And so it begins
Or, at least, Trump is providing stupid cover for our enemies to rally their almost-troops–“See, the US really does want a holy war to wipe out Islam.”
Rinsed Penis better hope Ivanka took Daddy’s IPhone over to Croatia with her.
I have several acquaintances who are “lifers” and they all think the same thing. They may agree with some of the things Trump says (typically the really racist stuff) but they are all horrified at the idea of him as Commander in Chief.
Most of them secretly tell me they will vote for Hillary, but can’t let anyone know about it. The other’s are going to “hold their nose” and vote for Trump because they can’t stand the thought of a woman as CIC, no matter how odious Trump is to them.
Interestingly, it is the non-coms who will vote for Hillary. Only the older officers seem to be able to stomach Trump (and I suspect they simply see him as a better for their careers.)