Truck Fump. He’s a lying liar. Go, Mr. Vice President. Speak truth to “power.” (Trump’s sole power is self-aggrandizement and riling up the rubes.)
His comment “I don’t even blame him” will reappear as an out-of-context quote or soundbite in support of Trump, somewhere in the Wingnuttosphere. I’m guessing Breitbart: “Biden endorses Trump!”
Can’t imagine how scary that must be. I’ll say a prayer to your deity of choice (double prayer if it’s FSM) for your son’s safety.
Best to you and the family.
I am sure Joe Biden is simply starting to warm up. Sen. Warren is on the attack (again), Joe is getting out there and Fox News is starting to see the sunlight (it burns! It Burns!).
The only question is, will Donald Trump erase the George McGovern debacle as the worst loss in modern history?
Dear GAWD, are they so friggen stupid, they can’t figure something as simple as the difference between android and iphones out?
Yes, yes they are - example #1 - Katrina Pierson. I rest my case!
I don’t know.
He is not yet out in the fleet as he is still the Nuclear Training Program. He and many of his classmates are not there to be gung ho killers by any stretch of the imagination, nor are they there because they don’t have education or job prospects.
My son joined because he will come out of it with a degree, no debt and being headhunted by the private sector starting at 6 figures, all while serving his country, learning a high-degree of self-discipline and teamwork, as well as qualifying for GI and VA benefits.
Many people in the armed forces, and the Navy in particular enter the service not out of desperation or because they are killer wannabes. But because it is a good pipeline to a a highly skilled technical education and a degree while committing to public service.
Thank you. My son and I are both committed Pastifarians.
Sure keep pounding away about how bad Trump is. But they also need to pound away about how great Clinton is. They need to counter the unjust negative image of her. And from an article I just read in ThinkProgress, it look like Obama understands that. Everyone needs to show support for her. Sometimes I feel like my Hillary bumper sticker is the only one in my whole city. She is a great, great leader who deserves our support and our show of support.
I think Secretary Clinton is doing an excellent job of that. Using surrogates as attack dogs rather than sycophants if the right strategy.
R’amen for you both.
Well, presumably they know the difference; but evidently they don’t care enough, or are too cheap, to buy the staffers one of the same model that Trump uses so that it’s not so obvious (some Twitter clients will show what source each tweet comes from, e.g. iPhone, Samsung, web browser, etc., but most don’t).
“She is a great, great leader who deserves our support and our show of support.”
Sorry about feeling all lonely, just you and you’re bumper sticker, but I’m voting for her b/c she’s a whole lot better than Trump. That’s the only reason. She’ll have to earn the ‘great leader’ label after November.
Well tell him thanks for his service and I hope he does well. My dad joined the Navy at 17 after passing the test to skip his final year of HS for pretty much the same reasons. Met my mom in Norfolk and decided to get out and get a 4 year degree on the GI bill instead.