Discussion: Bergdahl Judge Will Issue Ruling On Whether To Dismiss Case Over Trump

Jackasswhoflapshisyap says what?


Nance previously ruled those comments were “disturbing” but didn’t amount to unlawful command influence and noted the statements were made before Trump became commander in chief.

But last week Trump addressed his past comments when asked about them at a news conference. He replied that he couldn’t say anything more about the case, “but I think people have heard my comments in the past.”



Trump’s own words - always helpful in making the American system, including military justice now, run smoothly. Perhaps a clarifying tweet would be of benefit at this point.


Appearance of unlawful influence, like appearance of conflict of interest, is a big deal for honorable people. Which lets out trump and his subordinates.


So here we have a draft dodger who has talked about shooting a deserter. At least Bergdahl showed up in an actual theater of war for a while rather than getting out of military service for some likely bogus health “problem” and then claiming that sleeping with supermodels and avoiding STIs was equivalent to fighting in Vietnam.


This. A real justice system is aware that the appearance of roper justice is as important as the actual deliverance of proper justice.

Of course the idiot in chief has no idea about anything and so doesn’t realize how he is poisoning everything.


He really is such a f*cking moron.


honestly, i’m at a loss as to why he keeps yammering. That judge is willing to disregard then 'comment section ’ Trump’s comments ,but seeing how these comments still have weight…

btw, whatever happens ,he should just hush n move on. John Roberts would appreciate that


The self-proclaimed ‘smartest brain’ - is utterly unteachable/restrainable.

Fascinating watching twitter reactions (via Laura Rozen’s feed) to the ongoing baiting that Sen. Corker is engaging in. Corker, who has struck me as rather John Danforth-esque in his demeanor, has moved out of that character and seems to be creating/producing some performance art by baiting reactions from Trump. The twitter parlor game seems to be guessing what the director of the act (Corker) is attempting to achieve.


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Of course, the irony is that Trump is the actual traitor.


I’m not sure that irony is the correct word. Projection, maybe…

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“The judge, Army Col. Jeffery R. Nance, allowed the attorneys to question him about whether he was swayed by Trump’s comments, and responded that he would be fair.”

what a joke….Army Col. Jeffery R. Nance is going to do whatever is in the best interests of Army Col. Jeffery R. Nance

I mean we’re talking about the worlds largest, most corrupt crime syndicate here


There is an article essay in this month’s Esquire Magazine (A magazine I generally hate) about Trump called Pox Americana, that is nonetheless a good read. I was interested to see that the author seems to suggested that putting Bannon on all those magazine covers last spring was motivated by the collective desire to bait Trump into firing Bannon.


“I don’t have any doubt whatsoever that I can be fair and impartial in the sentencing in this matter,” Nance said.

Translation: No chance I would pay any attention at all to that douche in the Whitehouse.


this is the judge’s choices……he could end his career or he could further his career….Bowe Bergdahl….who’s he?

the sad part is Bergdahl probably never would have made it in if the US military wasn’t desperate for warm bodies


as it relates to Corker, he’s free and that means that he gets to be a gadfly.

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Hopefully the military judge will ignore the stupid comments of the Asshole-elect and sentence Gerdahl to life with no possibility of parole, which is the minimum sentence he should receive as a yellow deserter.

Has Trump made any statements as president?

If not, then his pre-presidential statements aren’t any more important on bearing than anyone elses.

If he would have lost the election, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.