Discussion: Bennet Says He Has Prostate Cancer, Will Still Run For Prez If Surgery Goes Well



I hope Whatsisname makes a full recovery.


Get well soon and don’t run for President. We have enough candidates already, thank you.


Trump will be making fun of him for ED problems due to prostate removal.


Every Presidential cycle is filled with candidates in both parties who suffer from the delusion that there is something compelling about their career or themselves that will lead them to the Presidency.

I’m sure Bennett is a good Democrat for Colorado, but from a national retail political standpoint, he’s Tim Pawlenty. Or Lamar!


I think establishing such low barriers to debate entry was a huge mistake. The DNC should have capped it at six or eight candidates or something. If you have 4% in the polls but there are eight folks ahead of you, well, too bad.

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More than we wanted to know. On two counts.

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How could the Democratic Party do that, given that states, not the party, establish criteria for getting on the ballot?


Well, democracy is messy.

I suppose we could go back to the old days of “smoke-filled rooms,” when nominees were simply appointed – but corruption is messy, too!


Celebrity as a selection criteria has worked out well for us lately…


Um, how about staying the Senate, anyone? The importance of regaining and retaining the Senate, anyone? The realization that without the Senate, a Democratic president will be able to accomplish zip, anyone? God almighty, the egos are relentless here.


I suffer from optirectitis–a condition where the optic nerves and the rectal nerves intertwine, becoming infected, causing you to have a “shitty” outlook on everything.
If surgery to correct this is successful, I too will announce my bid for president.

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Ballots are not the same as party-sanctioned debates, obviously. If you want to push your vanity campaign through all fifty states by collecting signatures, that’s your prerogative. And people do that, both in the two major parties and in a variety of minor ones.

He’s yet another candidate potentially running for VP. I wish him good health and a full recovery, but I wish he’d find another vehicle to seek a cabinet position or the veep slot.


That was my reaction when I saw the headline and I live in Colorado.


The more the merrier. If Bennet can deliver good ideas on healthcare all the power to him. Democrats have the luxury of being the party of ideas this cycle. The selection process will work well and winnow the field effectively. Our job is to listen, learn, think on and select the candidates with the best ideas that will serve all Americans. Now is not the time for the Dem voter to get lazy or locked in to support of any one candidate.

We all know that there are no ideas coming out of Trump and the GOP. Their whole platform and intent is to fearmonger and loot the public trust.

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Come on everybody …

It’s not that Michael Bennet … It’s THE Michael Bennet …

I just don’t see how they can easily be confused —

at - vs - e … I mean … come on ! —

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He is the usually quiet one who delivered the wild passionate speech against Cruz ignoring the fact that people were drowning in Colorado. He was so worked up he did not use his microphone but just spoke really loud.

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He looks like he may be younger than me, which means that having problems with your prostate in your 50s is not a good sign. Generally, only the most aggressive forms of PC affect men under the age of 70 or so.