Discussion: Ben Carson's Finance Chair Resigns From Campaign

A Republicon’s campaign is, by definition, a con - a grift, a lie, a scam. When the Republicon candidate him- or herself is a master grifter, it’s no wonder every last little mouse in their campaigns is an entitled moron.

My luck I’d hit his belt buckle and turn into Christian.


That’s hysterical.

Being a Republicon is all about being utterly blinded by your own b.s. so no, he will never even admit that his campaign is failing. Republicons are so childish and pathetic that they literally think ANY admission of wrongdoing is a fatal flaw.

Gift in Hands…that’s what his next book will be.

The Carson submarine has scraped the bottom of the sea and is just sitting there now submerged…

Wow, that house of cards really came down fast when someone started to look at the cards with a magnifying glass.

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It appears that GOD doesn’t want Ben Carson to be POTUS. Instead, his destiny is to be a well paid FOX News political contributor, a high educated version of Sarah Palin.

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Normally rats from a sinking ship would just drown in the open sea instead. This rat gets paid either way, and his sales pitch becomes, “Carson? Do you know how much money I raised for that Xanax snorting turd? Just imagine how much I can rake in for a good candidate like you!”

The whole sorry escapade is just a travesty with a year of refills.

I’m guessing the grift-gravy is starting to run dry – time for the rats to abandon the ship.

“Suspend” is such a hopeful word to a failing campaign. It’s used to give themselves reason to believe the suspension will end and the candidacy will be revived.

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Good One, laughed hard enough to scare my cats. Thanks!

My understanding is that “suspending” their campaign rather than quitting their campaign is a legal nicety which allows them to continue to collect money legally, as well as to maintain their control over the money already collected. It takes a while for the news to sink in to the kinds of idiots that send money to the Carsons and the Palins of the world, and sometimes the grift continues indefinitely.


Plus they will NEVER get off his mailing lists.

Jesus does look like an alien – enormous hands, flat cranium. Not only is this portrait tasteless to the extreme but it is execrable artwork.

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…at the longed-for Brokered Convention, where all 17 candidates will be resurrected.

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I should have known there was some legalese I wasn’t paying attention to, especially when they try to pull off prolonging these sham campaigns past the point of no return just to keep the gravy train going. Its always about the grift and an unwillingness to go back to gumming their gruel, particularly after living in five star hotels and eating flambe’ on the campaign trail as I’m sure most of them do. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen to many of those diner appearances by any of these GOP candidates lately either. You know, “the everyman” place to hang out and get a real cup of joe.

Dodge —————> Finance Chair

Parker got out just in time to save his belt buckle.