“and another ones gone, and another ones gone, and another one bits the dust-ah”
Made me think of this at 1:33.
This is such a great story. “Carson’s finance chair resigns over allegations of exorbitant spending, including his own exorbitant salary.” Yeah, that’s a good reason to sh!tcan your finance chair.
Do you think Carson donors feel like suckers now? I mean, by donating to the campaign they were basically taking money from their wallet and putting it in this Dean Parker guy’s pocket. Sucker!
The good doctor is at the stage of scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
Here are the stages of a Presidential campaign headed for the exit when the snake oil finally runs out:
Everyone in the GOP thinks you’re the second coming of Christ.
Some of the polish wears off, but people think that’s what makes you seem more authentic. At least you’re not one of those “politically correct” elite Washington types.
Your slip-ups and goofs prove you’re willing to learn, but like most people, you’re a quick study, willing, but have a ways to go…
Your continued slip-ups and goofs prove you’re incapable of learning, and probably haven’t learned anything new in months or even years. Your poll numbers reflect this, and you continue to slide.
Your poll numbers are suddenly proving how unelectable you’re becoming. Your team slowly decides to jump ship because honestly, who’s gonna pay for the mortgage and the kid’s braces. Besides, they’ve already gotten as much money as their gonna get from you, before you’re forced to downsize due to mismanagement and loss of incoming donations.
You downsize, and now there’s not even enough to pay a skeleton staff because the workload isn’t exactly what they signed up for. It was always about making bank, dude. Easy Money on Easy Street…Isn’t that what you promised?
You have to rely on close relatives and your wife as your only political advisors and operatives now because even though everyone says they love you, sometimes love can be harsh, and besides they got a plane to catch…Good luck with the campaign. They’ll be watching and praying for you.
You’re struggling to stay in the game even though the grift has gone south, money has been absconded, and you only have enough to live off of for a short time if you decide to stay in the race, but you still have to keep up appearances that you’re still in it to win it…soooooo, you hang on well past your prime. Pride cometh before the fall…and before the IRS catches up with where all the money came from and went.
All pretense is shot when your numbers show you’re really in the toilet, and there’s no real justification for why your still in the race. You think to yourself, it’s embarrassing even to go on Faux News now.
No one mentions you anymore…You’ve been downgraded to the kiddie table, and in fact, everyone’s moved on, so you decide you’re ready to spend more time with your family and go back to selling books and nutritional supplements at the Homeschoolers Association. Your agent is making the arrangements, this time guaranteeing you a lucrative contract for renewed speaker’s fees…and your publisher is so happy you’ve finally come to your senses.
Bye-bye President Carson…Hello Grifter’s Publishers Clearing House.
Sleep well Dr. Carson.
Buh-bye, bennie! It’s about bloody time!
Wait, did Trump drop out?
Welp, the riverboat casino S.S. Carson is now in flames, rudderless, and drifting helplessly. The grifting’s played out, so the rats are hurling themselves off the burning hulk before it finally sinks.
I’m not remotely sad about that. The more money these gullible rubes gave to Ben, the less they’ll have to give to Calgary Cruz.
I’m confused by the Politico article, which states:
Parker recently began earning a $20,000 monthly salary, which veteran campaign operatives say is unusual for what is typically an unpaid, honorary role.
Is that true? An “honorary” role? Romney’s Finance Director made $25k/mo.
Grifters gonna grift, fish gonna swim.
Nice guys don’t lie all the time.
Nor do they use the National Prayer Breakfast to ambush the President.
Ben Carson Resigns From Campaign is the headline they’re getting ready to run
I picture him stuffing his pockets with loose currency as he gives a flowery, sycophant farewell speech.
Ooooohhhhh this is calling out for some Photoshop…
i’m just guessing that next to rafael cruz, armstrong williams is the second most hated republicon involved in the current gop campaigns…
A lot of staff from one of his super PACs jumped ship as well, and went to work for the Cruz campaign.
His campaign was in tatters after Williams referred the NYT to the ex-CIA guy to talk about Carson’s foreign policy understanding. Williams then went the extra mile and totally destroyed it when he started whispering in Carson’s ear about his campaign manager. You simply cannot have that sort of thing happening a month before the first caucus. Having the campaign manager leave with bad blood? That scares off everyone else in the campaign…particularly the money people.
That being said, this guy was ripping Carson off, hand over fist. $20,000/month salary? AND padded expense accounts? He is just jumping off the gravy train before it totally derails…which is going to happen very soon.
People don’t really resign from campaigns anymore. They ‘suspend their campaign’ whatever the fuck that means.