Discussion: Ben Carson's Finance Chair Resigns From Campaign

Discussion for article #244668

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Stick a fork in him already


I take it diagnosis wasn’t Dr Ben’s strong suit… failure to diagnose a dead campaign…


With his recent gravy train pulling into the station, Armstrong Williams is putting calls out for new opportunities right about now.


How many people are left?


I used to think the next person to quit was going to be either Santorum or Fiorina, probably Santorum because he has some former experience in government that would serve him to be very aware that not only has the fat lady sung, she’s used the toilet and is setting her alarm clock for next morning. While Fiorina is one of those Teabaggers with no experience in government who simply hangs on to the bitter end cause they believe that’s how you get things done.

But now I’m not so sure. In the space of two weeks, Uncle Ben has lost:

  • Campaign Manager
  • Communications Director
  • Five staffers in his New Hampshire campaign
  • And now his finance director.

You can’t do this and survive. You just can’t. Uncle Ben may be a hopeless Teabagger but even HE would recognize when the rats are leaping overboard.


Huh? I’ve never heard of the guy! Who’s alleging what? I imagine the whole flock of them over there are thin-skinned paranoid nutters, like Carson.

I am thrilled to see so many tens of millions flushed down the shitter!

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Lol. $240,000 for a campaign position!

This is why we need campaign reform. You can basically do anything you want with the money people give you.


Left with an empty chair where finance used to sit, Ben Carson reaches out to Clint Eastwood to help with communications.


Great gig, huh? Not a care in the world except to be pretending to run a Presidential campaign, and babysit a weirdo with a book to hawk!


Hey Ben, meet my nephew, he’s our new Media Outreach for Online Trolls Consultant.

BC: Um… what are we paying him.
DP:Well, I negotiated him down to $15,000 for a month of work!
BC: How old is he?
DP: 22! Full of energy! Red Bull gives you wings, amiright?
BC: Er. Does he have any experience?
DP: Well he’s fresh out of Liberty University, so no…
BC: Why didn’t you lead with that! Welcome aboard!


This was predictable. The real question is when will we be seeing indictments.


Carson, as nice guy as he is, is obviously not qualified to be POTUS. He can’t run a good campaign and he seems to ignorant of the many issues we fae.

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This has not been a presidential campaign. This has been an ad campaign for the Carson brand. And that goes for Fiorina, Santorum, Huckster, and ultimately all of the rest of the riders on the clown car.

Keeping their names in the headlines is all that is important. Raising the selling price of their next paid speech, and the amount of the advance for their next ghostwritten book is what we are talking about


Is Strong Arm Willy behind this? The campaign and book signing have been money making scams. Ben knows he is going nowhere near the White House, not even the gardens. But he’ll sure end up with a cash reserve – thanks to Willy.


The sad part is the $ came from average working people who bought into the charade that this guy was even interested in being president.


Having a space cadet/whack job for president might have been fun,but I guess we will never know.

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Yes, but I’m not sure if it’s frowney emoji sad, or sad trombone sad.


Ever dated one? It’s fun for a while. Gradually it becomes less fun.

It is sad, to see ignorant people rooked. I would be even sadder except they’re so damn ignorant they’re choosing a guy to be President who is himself abysmally ignorant about our system of government, is philosophically opposed to it in his dominionist worldview, and would be catastrophically awful at the job.