Discussion: Ben Carson Has 'Concerns' About First GOP Debate Polling Requirement

Discussion for article #236690

Ben Carson is concerned. Oh my!

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Dr Ben’s first concern should be to see that he has all his teeth properly situated.


I think the DNC should pony up some money to get them all the exposure they could possibly want.


“I am very worried that out of broadcasting convenience our party is
about to exclude voices from our debate programs that are critical to
making our party bigger, better, and bolder.”

Says Dr Ben. But are any in the Clown Bus actually better or bolder? Christie certainly would qualify as “bigger” however. All I see out of that crowd is idiot sound bites and no real stand out comments that would indicate solutions to any national problem.

“The rules may be good for me personally, but they are not good for the process,”

Says the man who knows he’s off the island once a couple more folks officially announce and he looses his bounce.


Oh, Dr. Carson, only the GOP would want you to be excluded from the process. Liberals just can’t get enough of you.


Rupert Murdoch, his masseuse and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud’s minions who own Fox News should be allowed to decide the Republican primary.

Ben Carson is right though. It is only right that all of the Republican contenders be allowed to debate in the first five debates. The field can be winnowed down after five debates or five primaries, whichever comes first.


How is this different from voter ID laws and prerequisites for voting?


We are blessed to have many qualified candidates running for President.

I guess this is technically true if you look at it from the perspective that the only qualifications to run for President are that the candidate be 35 years of age and a natural born citizen of the United States. Oh, except for the Canadian candidate. He definitely should not make the cut.

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They should make insanity the threshold qualification for the debates. They would all be able to participate then.

Almost like voter suppression in reverse.

". “I am very worried that out of voter convenience our party is
about to exclude** voters from our ** election process**that are critical to
making our party bigger, better, and bolder.”

I have a feeling that this “cut off” isn’t going to last. Besides it creating screams from the rabble rousers in the base about establishment picking winners, its also going to create screams from the Iowa GOP, who is already upset that their straw poll is being tossed aside.

As the article points out, if you take the numbers now, Santorum doesn’t make the cut. But without a doubt, Santorum is/was planning to dump a ton of money into Iowa…he absolutely has to place very strong there, and stronger than Huckabee to have any chance of moving forward. Cut him from the debates, and he folds up shop and doesn’t spend that money. Iowa doesn’t like that sort of thing going on.

And Carson IS right to be worried. The more he keeps talking in front of national microphones, the more he is going to fall in the polls. He might be a “tea party darling”, but there are lots of those in this race…which is part of the problem. Nobody has a solid core base within the GOP right now. They are all vying to specific factions, with nobody laying strong claim to any of them.

Plus, its going to be hard just to make that math work. Right now we have Walker in the lead, and then Rubio, Paul and Cruz next…and after that they all start clumping around the same numbers (including establishment pre-campaign favorite, JEB). So who determines that Carson’s 3.5% is better than Graham’s 3.5%? (just to make a point, Carson is actually polling better than Graham…which is another problem with picking the winners)

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Maybe they should rank candidates on the basis of how boring they are…

I love how they refer to Carson as “A Tea Party favorite.” As if these tea party bigots would really consider a black man for POTUS. To them right now he’s probably “so well spoken!” but we all know, when it comes down to it, they’ll sprint to the white candidates.

Inclusive? Is he kidding? They all spout the same bullshit.
You could put a bag over all of their heads and never be able to tell them apart
when they start talking.

That’s my thought, except I can see the doctor going off on a poll tax rant applying to him alone. I can’t wait for these debates to be televised so I can catch up on my Netflix streaming binge

How do you handicap a minority against a homosexual?

Better cut 'em both.

Let every dillweed flower!

We are blessed to have many qualified candidates running for President. More than a typical debate format can handle. Surely we can find a format that allows every voice to be heard.

I think Ben is concerned about how he will do in a typical candidate debate format.